jusito / docker-teamspeak-ranksystem

Image for the free TS rank system. https://ts-n.net/ranksystem.php
MIT License
2 stars 4 forks source link


WIP (currently more a template) Image for https://ts-n.net/ranksystem.php


Start a teamspeak 3 server

docker run -d --name "Teamspeak" \
 -p 9987:9987/udp -p 30033:30033 -p 30000:10011 -p 10022:10022 \
 -e TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept \
 --network="bridge" \
 --volume="Teamspeak:/var/ts3server/:rw" \
 --restart=unless-stopped \

Prepare a mysql container

  1. Choose mysql container name --name "Teamspeak_Ranksystem_Database"
  2. Choose a secure root password -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="MySecurePassword"
  3. Fill in your selected details and run the following to start a database.
docker run -d \
 --name "Teamspeak_Ranksystem_Database" \
 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="MySecurePassword" \
 --network="bridge" \
 -v RanksystemDatabase:/var/lib/mysql \
 --restart=unless-stopped \

Start the ranksystem bot

  1. Choose ranksystem container name --name Teamspeak_Ranksystem
  2. Choose the port -p 8080:80
  3. Do you want to use the tested version? If not choose the version -e RANKSYSTEM_VERSION=1.3.12, branch/tag name allowed (-e RANKSYSTEM_VERSION=master)
  4. Fill in your selected details and run the following to start the ranksystem bot.
docker run -d \
 --name "Teamspeak_Ranksystem" \
 -p 8080:80  \
 --network="bridge" \
 --restart=unless-stopped \
 -v Teamspeak_Ranksystem \

follow ranksystem installation

  1. What is the domain or ip of your server? http://example.com
  2. Port you select? 8080
  3. Fill in your selected details and open url: http://example.com:8080/install.php
  4. Get database ip: docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" Teamspeak_Ranksystem_Database
  5. If you followed all from above choose mysql, with host address from 4., DB name ts3_ranksystem, DB user root and DB password MySecurePassword
  6. Hit install database and follow instructions like creating webinterface user. After this dont miss to connect your ts server http://example.com:8080/webinterface/ts.php

ToDo - feel free to contribute
