just-harry / FancyScreenPatchForRecettear

Fancy Screen Patch for Recettear is a widescreen patch for the video-game Recettear.
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mod patch powershell x86

= Fancy Screen Patch for Recettear =

Fancy Screen Patch for Recettear is a patch for the video-game Recettear. + The patch adds supports to Recettear for:

Additionally, it can install and configure https://github.com/elishacloud/dxwrapper[DxWrapper], http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/[dgVoodoo2], and https://special-k.info/[Special K] to make the game use DirectX 12, 11, or 9 instead of DirectX 8.1, with improved handling of Alt-Tab and a hardware-accelerated swap chain.

This patch supports both the latest English version and the latest Japanese version of Recettear.

== Installation ==

In short, all that's needed to install the patch is to execute the Install-FancyScreenPatchForRecettear.ps1 script-file with at-least version 5.1 of PowerShell. + If that instruction is insufficient, please see below.

=== On Windows ===

==== Prerequisites ====

On Windows 10, and later:: There are no prerequisites. Otherwise, on previous versions of Windows:: https://support.microsoft.com/topic/the-net-framework-4-7-offline-installer-for-windows-f32bcb33-5f94-57ce-6120-62c9526a91f2[At-least version 4.7 of the .NET Framework], and https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/scripting/windows-powershell/wmf/setup/install-configure?view=powershell-5.1[at-least version 5.1 of PowerShell].

==== Step-by-step ====

. Download the patch's script-file, Install-FancyScreenPatchForRecettear.bat, from https://github.com/Unjust-Harry/FancyScreenPatchForRecettear/releases/download/v1.0.3/Install-FancyScreenPatchForRecettear.bat[https://github.com/Unjust-Harry/FancyScreenPatchForRecettear/releases/download/v1.0.3/Install-FancyScreenPatchForRecettear.bat]. . Run the downloaded script-file by double-clicking it. . Follow the instructions provided by the script.

=== On operating-systems other than Windows ===

==== Prerequisites ====

https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell[At-least version 6.0 of PowerShell].

==== Step-by-step ====

. Download the patch's script-file, Install-FancyScreenPatchForRecettear.ps1, from https://github.com/Unjust-Harry/FancyScreenPatchForRecettear/releases/download/v1.0.3/Install-FancyScreenPatchForRecettear.ps1[https://github.com/Unjust-Harry/FancyScreenPatchForRecettear/releases/download/v1.0.3/Install-FancyScreenPatchForRecettear.ps1]. . Make note of the file-path of the downloaded script-file. . Open a terminal. . Open a PowerShell shell by running the command: pwsh. . In the opened PowerShell shell, run the file-path of the downloaded script-file as a command. . Follow the instructions provided by the script.

== Screenshots ==

=== The game with this patch applied ===


=== The game without this patch applied ===


=== The interactive configurator for this patch ===


== Permitted but unsupported usage of the script ==

It is possible to use a resolution with a width less-than 640 pixels, or a height less-than 480 pixels, but this may have adverse visual effects, and is unsupported.

It is possible to use a resolution with an aspect-ratio narrower than 4:3, but this may have adverse visual effects, and is unsupported.

It is possible to restrict the HUD's width to a width less-than the width that an aspect-ratio of 4:3 would have, but this may have adverse visual effects, and is unsupported.

It is possible to restrict the HUD's width to a width greater-than the game's width, but this may have adverse visual effects, and is unsupported.

== Known issues ==

=== In-game ===

GameGlitch-001:: When a wrapper is used to translate the game's Direct3D 8 usage to a different API, the video that plays in the main-menu, when the background artwork scrolls to its topmost point, fails to play, and instead locks the game with a white screen. To workaround this, the patch disables that video. To watch the video when the patch is applied: open, in a video-player, the recet_op.wmv file found in the game's directory. GameGlitch-002:: When using a resolution with an aspect-ratio wider than 4:3, and when in a 2D area of the game's town (e.g. the Market): when the game is paused, off-screen menus that were previously hidden will become visible in the pause-menu's blur-effect. GameGlitch-003:: When using integral-scaling for 2D art, and when using a resolution with a height that is not a multiple of 480: when scrolling down a list of save-slots (when saving or loading the game) the animation for the fourth (off-screen) save-slot becoming the third (on-screen) save-slot is missing.

=== In the script ===

ScriptBug-001:: The script does things that the PowerShell runtime does not like, and can cause a memory-leak in the PowerShell process that runs the script, this memory-leak can become sizeable with repeated executions (think many dozens) of the script.

== Authorship ==

Fancy Screen Patch for Recettear was authored by Harry Gillanders https://harrygillanders.com[https://harrygillanders.com].

== Licensing ==

The Fancy Screen Patch for Recettear, and its accompanying documentation, is distributed under the https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt[Boost Software License, Version 1.0].