justeat / kubernetes-windows-aws-ovs

Kubernetes on windows in aws using ovn
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aws kubernetes-setup ovs terraform windows

Kubernetes on windows in aws using ovn

This is some terraform to spin up a kubernetes cluster with windows nodes running on aws. this is based on the work examples to run in google


With many thanks to:

This implementation will spin up a few ec2 instances.


  1. Download the git repository
  2. You will need to have an ssh key pair available locally, use ssh-keygen to create one if you don't have a keypair you which to use. The public key must be copied into the file keys.tf
  3. Change to the terraform directory
  4. terraform plan
  5. terraform apply

This will set up a cluster which will obviously take a few minutes especially for the windows node.

Variables file

in the terraform folder there is a variables.tf file , here are all the options to configure various aspects of the Custer. There is some duplication which I have not scripted out as this is just proof of concept code. PR's welcome

The rest of the variables should be self explanatory

Setting up kubectl locally

you can use kubectl on any of the master or k8s nodes, local setup can be done by getting 3 files from the generated s3 bucket , which will have the name:


aws s3 cp s3:\\<bucket>\admin\admin-key.pem .
aws s3 cp s3:\\<bucket>\admin\admin.pem .
aws s3 cp s3:\\<bucket>\tls\ca.pem .

To use kubectl locally on your desktop you will need to create a config file in your home drive in a .kube folder

mkdir ~/.kube
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- cluster:
    certificate-authority: <homepath>\.kube\ca.pem
    server: https://api.<clustername>.<dns zone>
  name: default-cluster
- context:
    cluster: default-cluster
    user: default-admin
  name: local
current-context: local
- name: default-admin
    client-certificate: <homepath>\.kube\admin.pem
    client-key: <homepath>\.kube\admin-key.pem

Network Setup

The network configuration is 2 bastion nodes , one for linux and one for windows with public IP addresses

load balancers

There are 2 elastic load balancers one for the API and one for supporting ingress using NodePort services, this points to the gateway node.

ssh Bastion host

here is an example ssh config file if you want to ssh into the bastion nodes via ip address ,

ssh config file example which you store in your directory

< home >/.ssh/config

Host k8s
  ForwardAgent yes
  Hostname <bastion host dns name>
  user ubuntu
  IdentityFile <path to ssh private key>

Host 10.221.* 
  ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p k8s 
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  User ubuntu
  IdentityFile  <path to ssh private key>

RDP Bastion

To RDP into the windows hosts you will need to use the bastion jumpbox. in the console get the public DNS address of the bastion host, and the AWS defined administrator password.