Experimental torch ONNX exporter. Compatible with torch>=2.1,<2.6.
[!WARNING] This is an experimental project and is not designed for production use. Use
torch.onnx.export(..., dynamo=True)
for these purposes. The main logic from this project has been merged into PyTorch.
pip install --upgrade torch-onnx
import torch
import torch_onnx
from onnxscript import ir
import onnx
# Get an exported program with torch.export
exported = torch.export.export(...)
model = torch_onnx.exported_program_to_ir(exported)
proto = ir.to_proto(model)
onnx.save(proto, "model.onnx")
# Or patch the torch.onnx export API
# Set error_report=True to get a detailed error report if the export fails
torch_onnx.patch_torch(report=True, verify=True, profile=True)
# Use the analysis API to print an analysis report for unsupported ops
{dynamo/jit} -> {ExportedProgram} -> {torchlib} -> {ONNX IR} -> {ONNX}