justitems / midrub_cms

Midrub - the first CMS only for business
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Midrub CMS

Midrub CMS is the most advanced CMS platform.


Midrub CMS is a CMS platform, created mainly for business but it could be used even for personal use like a website or blog. It has features to provide SAAS services and features to create a blog or website.

Midrub CMS is the most advanced because it has all essential features to provide SAAS services and it allows to be customized in the most advanced way possible without affecting other features.

The CMS has 4 sections:

Both themes, components and apps are used to display content. But the CMS has support even for hooks, for them we have even the plugins. The plugins in the Midrub CMS are used to add new features by using the hooks. The hooks could be used to display even content but only in the existing components and apps. I have created several plugins which could be used to translate all platform in multiple languages, store and manage the files in Amazon S3 and change the platform's icons with several clicks to be used forever even if new features are installed.

The api feature in the Midrub CMS allows to add easy the api support to any installed app. You could in several minutes to create a new endpoint which will be used in an app.

The integrated payment system allows you to integrate any kind of payments gateways with all its webhooks requests and recurring payments. By default the Midrub CMS has PayPal, Stripe and Braintree. But anyone could add new payments gateways. For payments we have too themes. These themes could be customized but is required to install them manually.


The most important point in the Midrub CMS is possibly to edit any feature without affecting other. You could remove, replace or install any components, apps, themes and plugins without affecting the core(if you're following the rules).

The installation of components, apps, themes and plugins could be done easily from the administrator panel and you could update them from the same administrator panel.

The apps in the Midrub CMS allows to provide any kind of service. With an app you could add restrictions options in the plans to be managed by the administrator for the app, add options in the user settings page, add restrictions in the teams roles, add api support, add options in the user's panel, add support for cron job requests, add support for webhooks requests and use the hooks of the administrator section, user section and frontend section.

The menu could be managed from the administrator panel. And managed even if you have multiple languages. Midrub CMS allows to have the features in multiple languages and even the content created from the administrator panel. You could create menu in multiple languages, add quick guides, support articles, contents in frontend and menu in frontend in multiple languages.

The api will be used in all installed apps and components. The cron jobs requests could be used in all installed apps. The webhooks requests could be used in all installed apps. The ajax could be customized separately to be used in any component, theme, plugin, payment gateway or app.

All icons in the user's panel and administrator's panel could be changed with several clicks. I have a plugin which allows you to change the icons and your changed icons will be used forever in any component, theme or app.

All colors and fonts could be modified from one file. All elements are using the css libraries. You could custom any element from one of these libraries and you will have forever your customizations.

In this CMS you have the possibility to create feature to support high traffic. It has functions to save the database queries to the cache and with the hooks you could control the cache when new data is added or updated.

The plans allow to have control on anything in the user's panel. Since the version the plans could be used even with multiple languages.


With this CMS you will save the time and money. You could easy create a wanted feature which you wish to sell and all other features are available already in the CMS.


You could follow this video https://youtu.be/n5XysRG7AuY to understand how to install the Midrub CMS.

Default administrator access: admin@midrub.com/12345678

Used Libraries

Bootstrap 5


Fluent UI System Icons



User Avatar - https://pixabay.com/vectors/avatar-icon-placeholder-facebook-1577909/

Image Cover - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/272704/image_icon

The default images are located in assets/img and you could replace them.


PHP 7.3 - 7.4