justliam / wordpress-backup-to-dropbox

A plugin for WordPress that automatically uploads your blogs files and a SQL dump of its database to Dropbox. Giving you piece of mind that your entire blog including its precious posts, images and metadata regularly backed up.
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=== WordPress Backup to Dropbox === Contributors: michael.dewildt Donate link: https://influx.com Tags: backup, dropbox Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: trunk

Keep your valuable WordPress website, its media and database backed up to Dropbox in minutes with this sleek, easy to use plugin. Need help? Please email support@wpb2d.com

== Description ==

WordPress Backup to Dropbox has been created to give you peace of mind that your blog is backed up on a regular basis.

Just choose a day, time and how often you wish yor backup to be performed and kick back and wait for your websites files and a SQL dump of its database to be dropped in your Dropbox!

You can set where you want your backup stored within Dropbox and on your server as well as choose what files or directories, if any, you wish to exclude from the backup.

The plugin uses OAuth so your Dropbox account details are not stored for the plugin to gain access.

Checkout the website - http://wpb2d.com

= Setup =

Once installed, the authorization process is easy -

  1. When you first access the plugin’s options page, it will ask you to authorize the plugin with Dropbox.

  2. A new window will open and Dropbox will ask you to authenticate and grant the plugin access.

  3. Finally, click continue to setup your backup.

= Minimum Requirements =

  1. PHP 5.2.16 or higher with cURL support

  2. A Dropbox account

Note: Version 1.3 of the plugin supports PHP < 5.2.16 and can be downloaded here.

= Errors and Warnings =

During the backup process the plugin may experience problems that will be raised as an error or a warning depending on its severity.

A warning will be raised if your PHP installation is running in safe mode, if you get this warning please read my blog post on dealing with this.

If the backup encounters a file that is larger then what can be safely handheld within the memory limit of your PHP installation, or the file fails to upload to Dropbox it will be skipped and a warning will be raised.

The plugin attempts to recover from an error that may occur during a backup where backup process goes away for an unknown reason. In this case the backup will be restarted from where it left off. Unfortunately, at this time, it cannot recover from other errors, however a message should be displayed informing you of the reason for failure.

= Premium Extensions =

Premium extensions are downloadable snippets of code that add extra functionality to WordPress Backup to Dropbox. The extensions are features have been requested but may not appeal to all users. Instead of complicating the plugin by adding them to the core, premium extensions allows you to choose what extra functionality you want.

Premium extensions can be purchased securely using PayPal and installed with the click of a button. For more information pelase visit http://wpb2d.com/premium.

= Available in these languages =

== Installation ==

  1. Upload the contents of wordpress-dropbox-backup.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or use WordPress' built-in plugin install tool
  2. Once installed, you can access the plugins settings page under the new Backup menu
  3. The first time you access the settings you will be prompted to authorize it with Dropbox

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= I am getting this error: Error message: Error Processing Request: error:0D0890A1:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_verify:unknown message digest algorithm =

This is due to the recent Heartbleed vulnerability and indicates that your server has an outdated version of OpenSSL that is no longer compatible with Dropbox and must be updated in order to continue using the plugin.

Please contact your host to get it updated.

= Why won’t my backup start? =

To diagnose issues with your plugin please refer to this sticky topic.

= How do I restore my website? =

Restoring can be a complicated process because every host is different. You can try and follow the steps in this blog post, if that does not work I would consult your web developer for help.

= Why does my keep going away and resuming? =

By default PHP has its time limit set to 30 seconds. The plugin will attempt to set the time limit to unlimited in order to complete the backup, however if safe mode is enabled this will not be possible.

In addition the Apache TimeOut directive has a default of 300 seconds (5 minutes) that cannot be altered without manual intervention. It is not recommended you change this value.

However, the plugin has been designed to get around these limitations by using a backup monitor that will detect if the backup has gone away and resume it from where it stopped.

In short, this is a feature! :-)

= Does the plugin backup the WordPress databse? =

It sure does. Your database tables will be dumped to a SQL file that can be used to import into a database when you need to restore or move your website.

= Where are my database backup files located? =

The database is backed up into a file named '[database name]-backup.sql' and can be found at the path 'wp-content/backups' within the App folder of your Dropbox.

= Wow! My second backup was heaps faster. Why is that? =

In order to save time and bandwidth the plugin only uploads files that have changed since the last backup. The only exception is your SQL dump file that will be uploaded every time.

= How can I revert to a previous version of a backed up file? =

Dropbox has this functionality built in and it is extremely easy to do, please checkout this blog post for more information.

You can also install the zip premium extension that will zip up all your files, including the SQL dumps, before uploading it to Dropbox allowing you to store multiple backups.

== Screenshots ==

  1. The Settings: Choose the date, time, frequency and what files or directories you wan't to exclude.
  2. The Log: Know what you backup is doing.
  3. Premium Extensions: Add extra functionality with ease and a 60 day money back guarantee.

== Changelog ==

= 4.7.1 = Corrected 'Tested up to' in readme.txt

= 4.7 = Tested to work with WordPress 4.7

= 4.5.3 = Fix database error: Column 'offset' cannot be null - Take two!

= 4.5 = Tested to work with WordPress 4.5

== 4.4.1 == Fix database error: Column 'offset' cannot be null

= 4.4 = Tested to work with WordPress 4.4

= 4.3 = Tested to work with WordPress 4.3

= 4.2 = Tested to work with WordPress 4.2

= 4.1 =

= 4.0 =

= 1.9 =

= 1.8.1 =

= 1.8 =

= 1.7 =

= 1.6.1 =

= 1.6 =

= 1.5.5 =

= 1.5.4 =

= 1.5.3 =

= 1.5.2 =

= 1.5.1 =

= 1.5 =

= 1.4.5 =

= 1.4.4 =

= 1.4.3 =

= 1.4.2 =

= 1.4.1 =

= 1.4 =

= 1.3 =

= 1.2.2 =

= 1.2.1 =

= 1.2 =

= 1.1 =

= 1.0 =

== Upgrade Notice ==