justonedb / kafka-sink-pg-json

Kafka sink connector for streaming messages to PostgreSQL
MIT License
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Kafka sink connector for streaming JSON messages into a PostgreSQL table.

The connector receives message values in JSON format which are parsed into column values and writes one row to a table for each message received.

The connector provides configuration options for controlling:



SQL files

Property files

Jar files


Note that the package must be installed in each database the connector will be used with. If the package has not been installed in the database you will see an error of the form ERROR: schema "$justone$kafka$connect$sink" does not exist.


If you wish to uninstall the package from the database, you can use \i uninstall-justone-kafka-sink-pg-1.0.sql from a psql session


Edit the justone-kafka-sink-pg-json-connector.properties file (see below) to configure the behaviour of the sink connector.

To run the connector in standalone mode, use the following command from the Kafka home directory:

bin/connect-standalone.sh config/justone-kafka-sink-pg-json-standalone.properties config/justone-kafka-sink-pg-json-connector.properties

To run the connector in distributed mode, see Kafka documentation.

Please note the following:

Typically, a seperate topic is configured for each table. However, the connector can consume messages from multiple topics, but be aware that a message which does not contain any of the configured parse paths will cause a row with null columns to be inserted.


Kafka Connect

The value converter used by Kafka connect should be StringConverter and the following property should be set:


This has already been set in the supplied justone-kafka-sink-pg-json-standalone.properties file - but you will likely need to modify the setting if using another property file for distributed mode.

Sink Connector

The sink connector properties (justone-kafka-sink-pg-json-connector.properties) are as follows:

Delivery Modes

The connector offers 3 delivery modes:

Delivery semantics are controlled by setting the db.delivery property in justone-kafka-sink-pg-json-1.0.properties.

Note that the synchronized mode stores Kafka state in the database and if you subsequently run the connector in a non-synchronized mode (fastest or guaranteed) then any Kafka state for that table is discarded from the database.

JSON Parsing

Elements from a JSON message are parsed out into column values and this is specified using a list of parse paths in the db.json.parse property. Each parse path describes the parse route through the message to an element to be extracted from the message. The extracted element may be any JSON type (null, boolean, number, string, array, object) and the string representation of the extracted element is placed into a column in the sink table. A parse path corresponds to the column name in the db.columns property in the corresponding list position.

A parse path represents an element hierarchy and is expressed as a string element identifiers, separated by a delimiting character (typically /).

A path must start with the delimiter used to separate element identifiers. This first character is arbitrary and can be chosen to avoid conflict with key names.

Below are some examples for paths in the following message:


The data type of a column receiving an element must be compatible with the element value passed to it. When a non scalar element (object or aray) is passed into a column, the target column should be a TEXT, JSON or VARCHAR data type.

To insert messages in the above format into a table with an id, latitude, longitude, and acceleration columns, the db.columns and db.json.parse configuration properties would be:

Note the corresponding positions between columns and their respective parse paths.

Where a path does not exist in the JSON message, a null value is placed in the column value. For example /@foo/@bar would return a null value from the example message above.


For synchronized delivery, a package of pl/pgsql functions is installed in the database.

The package provides the functions for starting, flushing and getting state to ensure synchronized delivery semantics (exactly once) from Kafka to the sink table.

The functions and state information are stored in the "$justone$kafka$connect$sink" schema. Within this schema, each sink table has a corresponding state table called schema.table using the schema and name of the sink table.

A state table contains a row for each topic, partition and offset and has the following table definition

     Column      |       Type        | Modifiers
 kafka_topic     | character varying | not null
 kafka_partition | integer           | not null
 kafka_offset    | bigint            | not null

The start() function is called when a Kafka sink task is started. It creates a temporary sink table and also creates a Kafka state table if it does not already exist. The sink task can then insert rows into the temporary sink table.

The state() function returns rows from the state table for a specified sink table. This information can be used by the sink connector to initialise offsets for synchronizing consumption with the table state. Note that this function may return no rows if the sink table has not been flushed.

The flush() function is called during a sink task flush. It copies rows from the temporary sink table to the permanent sink table and refreshes the Kafka state information in the state table. This is performed in the same transaction to guarantee synchronization.

The drop() function is called to drop synchronization state if non synchronized delivery is used by the sink task.

Process flow is typically:

SELECT "$justone$kafka$connect$sink".start(<schema>,<table>);
SELECT kafkaTopic,kafkaPartition,kafkaOffset FROM "$justone$kafka$connect$sink".state(<schema>,<table>);
...insert rows into temporay sink table...
SELECT "$justone$kafka$connect$sink".flush(<schema>,<table>,<topics>,<partitions>,<offsets>);



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Duncan Pauly