juxingzhutou / BSCircleBanner

A circular paging view for iOS.
MIT License
9 stars 3 forks source link


A circle scroll view for iOS.



Available in CocoaPods

pod 'BSCircleBanner'


  1. Copy BSCircleBanner folder to project;
  2. Install Masonry via CocoaPods or other way.


The Album Type(Automatic Scrolling)

Demo Gif

The Album Type(Touch Scrolling)

Demo Gif

The Normal Type(Automatic Scrolling)

Demo Gif

The Normal Type(Touch Scrolling)

Demo Gif

Use Custom Layout

Demo Gif

Quickly Start

  1. #import "BSCircleBanner.h"
  2. Create a instance of BSCircleBanner;
  3. Configure that instance, set the banner size and so on;
  4. Add it to a superview;
  5. Setup and implement its data source and delegate.

Advanced Usage

Now, this repo just provide two layout for banners -- album type and normal type, the preview is in the above. Change the type property of banner view instance can change the display type which it use.

You can set the customLayout property to use the custom layouts.