juztim / FutureDesk-Issues

Repository containing issues for futuredesk.io
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Futuredesk Issue-only Repository

Welcome to the Futuredesk issue-only repository! This repository is dedicated to tracking issues related to the Futuredesk project, which is an alternative, enhanced user interface for ChatGPT.

What is Futuredesk?

Futuredesk is a project aimed at providing a more intuitive and user-friendly interface for ChatGPT, a chatbot platform. Our goal is to make it easier for users to interact with ChatGPT and get the most out of its powerful features.

How to Use This Repository

This repository is for tracking issues related to the Futuredesk project. If you encounter a bug, have a feature request, or need help with something related to Futuredesk, please create a new issue in this repository. Our team will review your issue and respond as soon as possible.

To see all open issues and track progress on the project, please visit our project board here.

Please note that this repository is for issues only. If you have general questions about ChatGPT or need technical support, please visit the ChatGPT website or contact their support team.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about Futuredesk, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach us via email at support@futuredesk.io or on Twitter at @futuredesk.