jvdcf / da-salesperson

A set of Routing Algorithms for Ocean Shipping and Urban Deliveries
MIT License
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As part of the second project of Algorithm Design, the goal was to implement various algorithms to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), using backtracking and various heuristics and approximations.

This project was carried out by students from group 163:

Running the project

The project was developed in C++ and uses the CMake tool to compile the source code and this documentation.

This program takes as input:

Warning: If a nodes.csv file is not provided, the algorithms that generate new edges using the nodes' coordinates will not be available.

Make sure that the csv files are in the correct format and that the paths are correct.

Using the shell script (Linux only)

  1. Make sure that the C / C++ dependencies are installed on your system.
  2. Execute the script run.sh (located in the directory of the project) in the terminal, giving the correct paths as arguments. For example:
    ./run.sh dataset/Real-world\ Graphs/graph1/edges.csv dataset/Real-world\ Graphs/graph1/nodes.csv

Warning: Make sure the script has the correct permissions to be executed.

Note: Feel free to change the script to suit your needs.

Using the terminal

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMakeLists.txt
make -j$(nproc)
./DA2324_PRJ2_G163 <edges.csv> [<nodes.csv>]

Warning: Don't forget to change the arguments to the correct paths.

Using CLion

  1. Open the project folder in CLion.
  2. Create a CMake profile with the build type set to Release.
  3. Select one of the configurations already created.
    Create a new configuration with the correct program arguments and working directory.
    For example:
    • Program arguments: dataset/Toy-Graphs/tourism.csv
    • Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
  4. Run the configuration.
