jvdrhoof / WebRTCSFU

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This section is outdated. And mostly untrue...

In this repository, all files related to a multi-party volumetric video-based system are made available. Four parts are considered:

The system is currently under development by IDLab, Ghent University - imec. This README will be updated while development continues, with detailed instructions for each of these components.

Build instructions

Building is done with cmake. It should work on all major platforms.

cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./installed
cmake --build build
cmake --build build --target install

This will create two executables in installed/bin:

Cmake is probably overkill for golang, but it makes it easier to use github actions to do automatic build and creating of releases, and tha in turn makes it easier to integrate these into VR2Gather.