Backpropagation Latent Dirichlet Allocation (a third-party reimplementation of paper "End-to-end Learning of LDA by Mirror-Descent Back Propagation over a Deep Architecture" by Jianshu Chen et al.)
The paper is accepted by NIPS 2015. Link to this paper:
To run the codes, there are two executables (one depends on the other). You need to copy both executables to the same working directory.
bp-lda/BP_sLDA/bin/Release/BP_sLDA.exe # for supervised task
bp-lda/BP_sLDA/bin/Release/BP_LDA.exe # for unsupervised task
For Windows users, simply open a command prompt window and run "BP_sLDA.exe" or "BP_LDA.exe".
For Linux/Mac users, you need to install mono ( Then, open a terminal and run "mono BP_sLDA.exe" or "mono BP_LDA.exe".
Raw data can be downloaded from
.label: 1~5 star rating, shifted to zero mean
.feature: each line is a document in bag-of-words representation. Colon is used to delimit word index and word counts. Tab is used to delimit different words.
Supervised (alpha = 1.001):
BP_sLDA.exe --nHid 5 --nHidLayer 10 --nInput 5000 --nOutput 1 --OutputType linearQuad --alpha 1.001 --nEpoch 50 --BatchSize 1000 --mu_Phi 0.01 --nSamplesPerDisplay 10000 --TrainLabelFile train.label --TestLabelFile test.label --TrainInputFile train.feature --TestInputFile test.feature --ResultFile result_Voc5000 --ThreadNum 32 --MaxThreadDeg 32
Supervised (alpha = 0.1):
BP_sLDA.exe --nHid 5 --nHidLayer 10 --nInput 5000 --nOutput 1 --OutputType linearQuad --alpha 0.1 --nEpoch 50 --BatchSize 1000 --mu_Phi 0.0001 --nSamplesPerDisplay 10000 --TrainLabelFile train.label --TestLabelFile test.label --TrainInputFile train.feature --TestInputFile test.feature --ResultFile result_Voc5000 --ThreadNum 32 --MaxThreadDeg 32
result_Voc5000.model.Phi and result_Voc5000.model.U: model files with model parameters Phi and U, as described in the paper
result_Voc5000.perf and result_Voc5000.testscore: performance file and test score file
Raw data can be downloaded from
.label: 0~1 binary class labels
.feature: each line is a document in bag-of-words representation. Colon is used to delimit word index and word counts. Tab is used to delimit different words.
Supervised (alpha = 1.001):
BP_sLDA.exe --nHid 5 --nHidLayer 10 --nInput 1000 --nOutput 2 --OutputType softmaxCE --alpha 1.001 --nEpoch 20 --BatchSize 100 --mu_Phi 0.01 --nSamplesPerDisplay 10000 --TrainLabelFile train.label --TestLabelFile test.label --TrainInputFile train.feature --TestInputFile test.feature --ResultFile result_Voc1000 --ThreadNum 32 --MaxThreadDeg 32
Supervised (alpha = 0.1):
BP_sLDA.exe --nHid 5 --nHidLayer 10 --nInput 1000 --nOutput 2 --OutputType softmaxCE --alpha 0.1 --nEpoch 20 --BatchSize 100 --mu_Phi 0.001 --nSamplesPerDisplay 10000 --TrainLabelFile train.label --TestLabelFile test.label --TrainInputFile train.feature --TestInputFile test.feature --ResultFile result_Voc1000 --ThreadNum 32 --MaxThreadDeg 32
Same as the regression example.
Unsupervised (alpha = 1.001):
BP_LDA.exe --nHid 5 --nHidLayer 10 --nInput 5000 --alpha 1.001 --nEpoch 20 --BatchSize 1000 --flag_DumpFeature true --mu_Phi 0.01 --nSamplesPerDisplay 10000 --TrainInputFile train.feature --TestInputFile test.feature --ResultFile result_Voc5000 --ThreadNum 32 --MaxThreadDeg 32
Unsupervised (alpha = 0.1):
BP_LDA.exe --nHid 5 --nHidLayer 10 --nInput 5000 --alpha 0.1 --nEpoch 20 --BatchSize 1000 --flag_DumpFeature true --mu_Phi 0.0001 --nSamplesPerDisplay 10000 --TrainInputFile train.feature --TestInputFile test.feature --ResultFile result_Voc5000 --ThreadNum 32 --MaxThreadDeg 32
result_Voc5000.train.fea and result_Voc5000.test.fea: generated topic distribution vectors for each train/test documents.
--nHid: Number of topics
--nHidLayer: Number of layers
--nInput: Vocabulary size
--nOutput: Number of output classes
--OutputType: “softmaxCE” means classification with softmax and cross entropy, "linearQuad" means linear quadratic (L2) loss
--alpha: Dirichlet parameter of the topics
--beta: Dirichlet parameter of the topic-word probability
--nEpoch: number of training epochs
--BatchSize: Minibatch size (number of documents at each mini-batch)
--BatchSizeSchedule: a scheduler for setting training batch size, e.g. 1:10,2:100,11:1000 means batch size = 10 in epoch 1, switching to batch size = 100 in epoch 2, and switching to 1000 in epoch 11.
--BatchSize_Test: Minibatch size for testing
--flag_DumpFeature: if true, then save the topic distribution of each document. If false, then do not save
--mu_Phi: learning rate for the topic-word probability matrix
--mu_U: learning rate for the topic to output matrix
--LearnRateSchedule “Constant” for constant learning rate
--nSamplesPerDisplay: “10000” means displaying the progress of training after every 10000 documents
--nEpochPerSave: The frequency of model saving
--nEpochPerTest: The frequency of testing the model
--nEpochPerDump: The frequency of dumping the topic distribution for each document (if –flag_DumpFeature is true)
--TrainLabelFile: Label file for training set (one column, each row represents the index of the class, starting from 0. For example, 0 means the 0-th class, 3 means the 3rd class)
--TestLabelFile: Label file for test set
--ValidLabelFile: Label file for validation set
--TrainInputFile: Input file for training set (tab separated file, each row means the bag-of-words vector of the document. For example, 0:3 \t 5:7 means that this document has the 0-th word occurred three times and has the 5th word occurred 7 times)
--TestInputFile: Input file for the test set
--ValidInputFile Input file for the validation set
--ResultFile: Name of the result file. (Name for the model file, log file, etc, will be the same as this one but with different extensions)
--ThreadNum: Number of threads
--MaxThreadDeg: Threads parameter
--DebugLevel: high/low/medium
--flag_RunningAvg: true to smooth the training process (more stable model)
--flag_SaveAllModels: true means saving models at different epochs separately, and false means only saving the model at the last epoch
Chen, Jianshu, et al. End-to-end Learning of LDA by Mirror-Descent Back Propagation over a Deep Architecture. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2015.
J. McAuley and J. Leskovec. From amateurs to connoisseurs: modeling the evolution of user expertise through online reviews. WWW, 2013.
John Blitzer, Mark Dredze, Fernando Pereira. Biographies, Bollywood, Boom-boxes and Blenders: Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification. Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2007.