jwagner / analog-film-emulator

A web based analog film emulator/photo editor.
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An Analog Film Emulator in Javascript

Example Try it out on 29a.ch/film-emulator/

This is a simple photo editor with an analog film emulation mode based on the color lookup tables by Pat David.

Where to start

The interesting code is in src/image-processing.js. The rest is mostly ui and plumbing. You can also read my blog post about it.


Copyright © 2015 Jonas Wagner. All rights reserved.

This code is not licensed under an open source license and does not come with all the data files in order to prevent lazy people from just copying everything and pretending it is their own work. You are of course free to study the code and take bits and pieces, I consider this fair use. Just attribute them to me properly. If you have grander plans for it and the lack of a license prevents you from following up on them feel free to contact me.