jwaldmann / star-exec-presenter

presentation platform for star-exec written in Haskell and based upon Yesod
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(TC 2018) cannot parse complexity results #191

Open jwaldmann opened 6 years ago

jwaldmann commented 6 years ago

tool output starts with WORST_CASE(Omega(n^2), O(n^2)) but is shown (in results tables) as  | WORST_CASE(Omega(n^2) 18.7 / 8.8  (0) while it should be n^2/n^2

jwaldmann commented 6 years ago


stack install
stack repl src/Presenter/Model/Complexity2015.hs
*Presenter.Model.Complexity2015> short (read "WORST_CASE(Omega(n^2), O(n^2))" :: Bounds )
AkihisaYamada commented 6 years ago

thanks for help... that worked for me as well