jwaldmann / star-exec-presenter

presentation platform for star-exec written in Haskell and based upon Yesod
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A Web Application for Displaying Results of the Termination Competition

Circle CI

The Intl. Termination Competition 2014 http://termination-portal.org/wiki/Termination_Competition_2014 will be run on http://www.starexec.org .

Our Web App will provide these extra features:

This branch is running at the moment here.

1 Getting source

git clone https://github.com/jwaldmann/star-exec-presenter

2 Installation

make install

You also need Graphviz on your system.

3 Create database user and database:

make create-db

4 Credentials

Please create the file '.star_exec' in your home directory with your starexec account credentials. This file must contain the following line:

Login ">login<" ">password<"

5 Usage

make run


clear db:

sudo -u postgres dropdb yesod

access db:

sudo -u postgres psql -d yesod

how to build documentation (locally)

stack haddock --haddock-arguments="--hyperlinked-source --ignore-all-exports" --haddock-deps