jwaldmann / star-exec-presenter

presentation platform for star-exec written in Haskell and based upon Yesod
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job starter is broken again #69

Open jwaldmann opened 9 years ago

jwaldmann commented 9 years ago


Failed to upload Job XML:
File is not valid because: Element type "description" 
must be followed by either attribute specifications ">" or "/>"."

Browsing the recent starexec forum messages, this could be related: http://starexec.forumotion.com/t147-deployment-bug-fixes-job-settings-profiles

The job schema https://www.starexec.org/starexec/public/batchJobSchema.xsd contains

<simpleType name="Description">
    <restriction base="string">
        <pattern value="[^&lt;&gt;&quot;&apos;)(&amp;&#37;&#43;&#45;]{0,1024}" />

I will investigate.

jwaldmann commented 9 years ago

the job file contains these strange things (the /="" after description and other attribute names)

<Job name="SRS Stand 17567">
    <description /="" value="SRS Standard"/>
    <queue-id /="" value="478"/>
stefanvonderkrone commented 9 years ago

This is strange, since the code looks differently: https://github.com/stefanvonderkrone/star-exec-presenter/blob/master/StarExec/Commands.hs#L218

jwaldmann commented 9 years ago

the syntax issue is fixed by https://github.com/jwaldmann/star-exec-presenter/commit/27720cc601139992ddae5b2b2507e0d571691827 so I am closing this isse. But I still get an error from starexec.

jwaldmann commented 9 years ago

ok the error was not in star-exec-presenter but in how I used it (the GUI offers to use a queue that does not exist any more)

jwaldmann commented 9 years ago

re-opening because my patch still needs to be merged on develop branch (or the other way around, merge develop into master)