jwalton3141 / phd_thesis

Bayesian Inference for Models of Collective Behaviour
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Bayesian Inference for Models of Collective Behaviour

I submitted my PhD thesis to Newcastle University's department of Maths, Stats & Physics in December 2020. My viva examination took place April 2021, whereupon I received minor corrections (1 month). My submitted corrections were accepted May 2021.

You can find a copy of my thesis here.

Dr. Richard P. Mann performed the role of external examiner, and Dr. Nick Parker performed that of the internal examiner.


You will require an install of texlive-full to build this thesis. To build, clone and then run make:

git clone git@github.com:jwalton3141/phd_thesis.git &&
    cd phd_thesis &&


I used the luxurious MinionPro font (for which you need a license to use) for submission. Without Minion Pro the built pdf will look different to my submitted copy.

To install MinionPro run ./scripts/make_minion.sh. The script does not require root privileges, but it does require an install of LCDF typetools and a complete TeXLive or MiKTeX install. This script need only be run once. Before you install and use this font ensure that you have a license to do so.

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@Thesis{      walton2021,
  Author    = {Jack Walton},
  Title     = {Bayesian Inference for Models of Collective Behaviour},
  School    = {University of Newcastle upon Tyne},
  Year      = {2021}