jwanglearn / Private_Compress

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Demo codes for the AAAI'19 paper Private Model Compression via Knowledge Distillation


  1. Performance test

    • Linux or macOS
    • NVIDIA GPU + CUDA CuDNN 8.0 or CPU(not recommend)
    • Tensorflow-gpu 1.3.0, keras 2.0.5, python 3.6, numpy 1.14.0, scikit-learn 0.18.1
  2. Implementation on Android

    • Linux or macOS
    • JDK 1.8
    • Android Studio 2.3.3
    • Android SDK 7.0, Android SDK Build Tools 26.0.1, Android SDK Tools 26.1.1, Android SDK Platform Tools 26.0.1


student_model.py and teacher_model.py are the network classes of student model and teacher model, respectively.

teacher_convlarge_cifar.npy stores the weights of the teacher model pretrained on both the public data and the sensitive data of CIFAR-10.

teacher_convlarge_public.npy stores the weights of the teacher model pretrained on the public data of CIFAR-10. It is used to generate adaptive norm bound.

private-compress-cifar.py is an example of RONA which trains a compact neural network on CIFAR-10.

TFDroid is a demo project on Android system for testing the time overhead of Large-Conv neural network on mobile devices.

Experimental Setup on CIFAR-10

We detail the experimental setup on CIFAR-10 here. For brevity, we abbreviate the configuration of the neural network as:

The architecture of the teacher model is: [C3(S1P0)@128-C3(S1P0)@128-C3(S1P0)@128-MP2(S2)]-[C3(S1P0)@256-C3(S1P0)@256-C3(S1P0)@256-MP2(S2)]-[C3(S1P0)@512-C3(S1P0)@256-C3(S1P0)@128-MP2(S2)]-AP6-1-FC10

The architecture of the student model is: [C3(S1P0)@32-C3(S1P0)@32-C3(S1P0)@32-MP2(S2)]-[C3(S1P0)@64-C3(S1P0)@64-C3(S1P0)@64-MP2(S2)]-[C3(S1P0)@64-C3(S1P0)@32-C3(S1P0)@32-MP2(S2)]-AP6-1-FC10

We choose the 4th layer of the teacher model as the hint layer, the 7th layer of the student model as the guided layer. The temperature parameter is set as 3.

The values of other parameters are set as follows: hint_learning_epoch=40, distillation_learning_epoch=8, self_learning_epoch=8, iterations=5, noise_sigma=10, query_select_rate=0.5, self_learning_batchsize=128, hint_distillation_learning_batchsize=512, learning_rate=0.001.

We preprocessed the data by subtracting per-pixel mean.