This is a small library to use the excellent Material Design Lite (MDL) CSS system with Angular2 and Dart.
I translated the dynamic JavaScript parts of MDL into Dart and made corresponding Angular2 directives. These key on the same selectors as the JavaScript implementation. E.g, If you want a dynamic Material Button, include the 'mdl-js-button' class, just like in the instructions for Material Design Lite. Then, in your component metadata, use the MaterialButton directive provided in package:angular2_rbi/directives.dart to add the dynamic effects.
RBI now stands for 'Realistically Better Implementation.' This is low-fuss way to use MDL in Angular2 for Dart. It is not an improvement on MDL. In use, it will have the same issues as MDL, which is a large and complex CSS system. Much of its work is direct DOM access, so if you are not using webworkers, this could be useful.
Follow the directions at to include the styles and fonts in your loading page. But don't include the MDL JavaScript link; this package substitutes for that functionality.
Use the MDL classes in component templates, and assure that the directives for the 'mdl-js-x...' classes are included in the component metadata. The directive names and selectors are in angular2_rbi/lib/directives.dart.
Clues for difficulties might be found in the source of the MDL stylesheet.
Here's some example code:
import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart';
import 'package:angular2_rbi/directives.dart';
@Component(selector: 'button-textchanger')
template: '''
<div class="mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp">
<div class="mdl-card__title">
<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">{{myText}}</h2>
<div class="mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border">
<button (click)="changeText()" class="mdl-button
mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect
mdl-button--colored">Change the text!</button>
directives: const [MaterialButton])
class ButtonTextChanger {
String myText = 'I have never been changed!';
int count = 0;
changeText() {
count += 1;
if (count == 1) {
myText = 'I have been changed!';
} else {
myText = 'I have been changed $count times!';
There is a demo app using this at
This page at demonstrates the available MDL components.
This currently (22 February, 2016) seems to work with MDL 1.1.1. I have not figured out testing yet, so a contributed test harness would be graciously accepted.
Please file issues with MDL at [Github: Material Design Lite] ( And be nice. They have a system to decide what needs to happen when.
You may file feature requests and bugs on this Dart code at my Github.