jwhitbeck / otpn900

One-time password generator for the Nokia N900. Supports OAUTH tokens (HOTP, TOTP) as well as the Mobile-OTP algorithm.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OTP Generator for N900


One-time password generator for the Nokia N900. Supports OAUTH tokens (HOTP, TOTP) as well as the Mobile-OTP algorithm.


If you wish to rebuild the package from source, then you will need a functioning Maemo 5 SDK. Then, at the root of the project, run the following commands:

$ autoreconf --force --install
$ ./configure
$ make


As of Aug. 16, 2011, this package is in the extras-devel Maemo repository. It is being promoted to extras-testing. For information on how to activate the 'Extras' repositories on your device refer to http://wiki.maemo.org/Extras.

Once the extras repositories have been enabled, install the 'otp' package, either through the 'App Manager' or by running (as root):

# apt-get install otp

Alternatively, you may download the binary package (otp_0.1-1_armel.deb) from either the Maemo repository or from github.com. Copy it to your N900 phone, and, run (as root):

# dpkg -i otp_0.1-1_armel.deb

Google 2-step Authentication Support

Google uses Base32 keys for their 2-step authentication. The OTPN900 maemo program cannot use these directly, but will work fine if the Base32 key is first converted to hexadecimal before being entered into OTPN900. For a detailed tutorial, refer to the discussion here. Many thanks to Yao Wei for his help with this.

See also


Profile selection HOTP HOTP Config Pin pad MOTP