jwiegley / category-theory

An axiom-free formalization of category theory in Coq for personal study and practical work
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Proof of comma category characterization of an adjunction #6

Closed svenkeidel closed 6 years ago

svenkeidel commented 7 years ago

Hi John,

I proved the characterization of an adjunction as comma categories. Cheers.


Regards, Sven

jwiegley commented 7 years ago

Awesome. Can it still be proven when U(φ(A,B,f)) ≅ U(A,B,f) ≅ (A,B), and φ(α,β) ≈ (α,β)?

This problem arises for me because my adjoint functors are functors between quotient categories; I suppose I could try weakening the statement to address only categories, and then I could work with equalities on the objects and morphisms. I think I'll try that next, which should follow directly from your proof, and then see if it can be further generalized. Thanks, Sven!

jwiegley commented 7 years ago

Oh, and I can get a copy of your LaTeX? Your proof is beautiful, and maybe I can use it as a template. :)

svenkeidel commented 7 years ago


jwiegley commented 6 years ago


svenkeidel commented 5 years ago

I renamed the arrow names and category names in the proof.

svenkeidel commented 5 years ago


svenkeidel commented 5 years ago

I added the details about the isomorphism to the proof (comma-adjunction.pdf). Furthermore, I cleaned up the proof by removing the details of the forgetful functor U.

jwiegley commented 5 years ago

@svenkeidel Thanks! What's making this tricky is my inability to apply the π₁ equality. Here's the goal:

  ((a, b); φ' (ψ' x)) ≅ ((a, b); x)
  φ' (ψ' x) ≈ x

It seems like this should be obvious, but actually what that context gives me is:

φ' (ψ' x)
       ≈ fmap[G] (snd `1 (from (lawvere_to_from_iso x))) ∘ x
         ∘ fst `1 (to (lawvere_to_from_iso x))

And so far, I haven't been able to show that due to the nature of the isomorphism, these conversions should both be equivalent to id.

jwiegley commented 5 years ago

I feel like I'm just missing a naturality witness here, since φ' on its own is not aware that the morphism is coming from a comma category.

jwiegley commented 5 years ago

@svenkeidel Here are the final two lemmas. Going to give it a rest again, to see if sleep brings more clarity:

Lemma equiv_comma_projF_iso : ∀ {a b} {f : F a ~> b}
  (iso : ((a, b); lawvere_from (lawvere_to f)) ≅[F ↓ Id[C]] ((a, b); f)),
    `1 (to iso) ≈ @id (D ∏ C) _ ∧ `1 (from iso) ≈ @id (D ∏ C) _.

Lemma equiv_comma_projG_iso : ∀ {a b} {g : a ~> G b}
  (iso : ((a, b); lawvere_to (lawvere_from g)) ≅[Id[D] ↓ G] ((a, b); g)),
    `1 (to iso) ≈ @id (D ∏ C) _ ∧ `1 (from iso) ≈ @id (D ∏ C) _.