* `Irssi`_ 0.8.12 or newer
* `GNU Aspell`_ with appropriate dictionaries
* Perl module `Text::Aspell`_
.. _Irssi:
.. _GNU Aspell:
.. _Text::Aspell:
Works as you type, printing suggestions when Aspell thinks your last word was misspelled. It also adds suggestions to the list of tab-completions, so once you know last word is wrong, you can go back and tab-complete through what Aspell suggests.
.. image:: doc/screenshot.svg
A list of space or comma separated languages to use on certain
For example::
/SET spellcheck_languages netA/#chan1/en_US,#chan2/fi_FI,netB/!chan3/pl_PL
will use:
* ``en_US`` for ``#chan1`` on network ``netA``,
* ``fi_FI`` for ``#chan2`` on every network,
* and ``pl_PL`` for ``!chan3`` on network ``netB``.
You can use ``und`` as language code to disable spellchecking.
For multilingual channels, you can combine language codes with
``+``. For example, ``en+de`` will accept both English and German
By default this setting is empty.
Language to use in empty windows, or when nothing from
``spellcheck_languages`` matches.
The default is ``en_US``.
``spellcheck_enabled`` [``ON``/``OFF``]
Enable or disable spellchecking globally.
Sometimes (like when pasting foreign-language text), you don't want
the script to spit out lots of suggestions, and turning it off for a
while is the easiest way.
The default is ``ON``.
``spellcheck_print_suggestions`` [``ON``/``OFF``]
Enable or disable printing out the spelling suggestions.
The corrections are still added to the tab completion in case the
printing is disabled.
The default is ``ON``.
Highlight misspelled word to this color.
The default is ``%R`` (red).
Highlight misspelled words inside the input prompt in this color.
The default is ``%U`` (underline).
Available on Irssi 1.2.0 and later.
Corrections in a split window
As an experimental feature, it is possible to display corrections in a
separate split window:
Name of the window.
Height of the window.
The default is 10.
It's the user's responsibility to create the window::
Add word(s) to personal dictionary.
Known issues:
* Picking actual words from what you type is very kludgy, you may
occasionally see some leftovers like digits or punctuation
* Works every time you press space or an end mark (``.``, ``!`` or
``?``). It won't work for the last word before pressing enter unless
you're using proper punctuation at the end of your sentences.
* When you press space and realize that the word is wrong, you can't
tab-complete to the suggestions right away — you need to use backspace
and then tab-complete. With dot you get an extra space after
Please report bugs to the `issue tracker`_.
.. _issue tracker:
.. vim:ft=rst ts=3 sts=3 sw=3 et tw=72