UnrealYAML: A Unreal-Compatible Wrapper for the yaml-cpp Library
Welcome to the UnrealYAML Plugin, a Plugin that allows the parsing and emitting of YAML files, based on the yaml-cpp Library
Current yaml-cpp base commit: 328d2d8
Important Node: The Plugin is far from finished and needs more testing, bug fixing and features to become fully usable and to work natively in Unreal! Feel free to contribute
- Basic Functionality
- Assigment
- Convers Conversion to and from most frequently used Unreal Types
- Iterators
- Loading and Saving Files
- Usable in Blueprint and C++
- Automatic Parsing to Unreal Struct using the Unreal Reflection System.
- Node into Struct Parsing:
- With Blueprint Structs (if possible)
- Option to respect case on key values (currently always case insensitive)
- Add Map Parsing
- Parse Struct into Node (Reverse Direction)
- Sequences and Maps into TArray\ and TMap\<FString, Node> for Iteration in Blueprints
- Interfacing with Unreal JSON Plugin?
- Wrapper class for the Emitter?
- Schema Verification?
You can find some examples in the corresponding wiki page.
Since this is a thin wrapper around the yaml-cpp library, many of the things in their wiki can also be applied to this Plugin too.
I used some patches ontop of the yaml-cpp library to ease the integration:
- enum-class: Changed enums to enum classes to remove -Wshadow error