jwo7777777 / A3AL

Code repository for planned SoH ArmA3 Altis Life Server
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This is a placeholder readme. Eventually there will be reminders of how to use this. Hopefully including ArmA3 dedicated server setup.

Release notes:

Live-Server-0.0.2 [ADDED] IEDs [CHANGED] Map and Shop locations

v1.0.3 [FIXED] Civ vest saving. Overall vest item saving.

v1.0.2 [ADDED/CHANGED] some SoH branding and bad english [ADDED FEATURE] HUD will show all vehicle occupant names and their positions (driver/gunner/cargo) when in vehicle. Props to [404] Gaming for the code and icons.

v1.0.1 [FIXED] The terrible Player Menu UI method of using a pickaxe. Now you just scroll wheel when near a mine-able resource. The code checks to see whether you have a pickaxe and then lets you mine. [ADDED/CHANGED] text, typos, and some SoH branding

v1.0.0 [FIXED] Initial player DB creation no longer requires removal of STRICT TABLE mode on MySQL. Instead, during first connection, cops are created with empty civ gear and civs are created with empty cop gear. This should not affect gear when alternating between playing cop or civ. It only has to do with initial INSERT of player record into the DB.