jyhehir / mobster

For more details about Mobster please see
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 9 forks source link

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NGS tool for detecting MEI and gene retrotransposition events in WGS and WES data


Mobster: accurate detection of mobile element insertions in next generation sequencing data.

Thung et al. Genome Biol. 2014



Simple installation

The sources can be cloned to any directory:

git clone git@github.com:jyhehir/mobster.git

Then, to build mobster simply run "install.sh".

cd mobster

This will package the required classes into a fat executable jar in the "target" directory. Typically called MobileInsertions-\<version>.jar. For example MobileInsertions-

After installation, the aligner of choice (e.g. MOSAIK) is assumed to be in the PATH. If not, please don't forget to update Mobster.properties to include the location for the aligner.

For GRCh38 use, the user should unpack the compressed repmask resources:

gunzip alu_l1_herv_sva_other_grch38_accession_ucsc.rpmsk.gz

Testing the installation

Try running Mobster with the sample bam provided

cd target
java -Xmx8G -jar MobileInsertions- \
    -properties Mobster.properties \
    -out TestSample

Example on how to call the program for a single sample:

java -Xmx8G -jar MobileInsertions-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    -properties Mobster_latest.properties \
    -in input.bam \
    -sn test_sample \
    -out mobster_test

You can also run the program in multiple sample mode. For this you need to change MULTIPLE_SAMPLE_CALLING in the properties file to true. Then you can run Mobster like:

java -Xmx8G -jar MobileInsertions-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    -properties Mobster_latest.properties \
    -in A1_child.bam,A1_father.bam,A1_mother.bam \
    -sn A1_child,A1_father,A1_mother \
    -out A1_trio_mobster


RepeatMasker file

Mobster needs a GRCh37/GRCh38 repmask library file.


The location of this file is included in the Mobster.properties file:

WARNING: User should unpack the compressed repmask resources (alu_l1_herv_sva_other_grch38_accession_ucsc.rpmsk.gz) during the install.

Updating the RepeatMasker file (if needed)

You can freely download an updated repmask file from the "http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables". There are many output options, here are the changes that you'll need to make:

Then, you have to filter this file and keep only the lines with: