jyhsu2000 / CKIPService

Web service for ckiplab/ckiptagger
6 stars 4 forks source link

CKIP Service

Docker Hub

Web service for ckiplab/ckiptagger


Start service

  1. Start the service using docker-compose
    docker-compose up -d

    If you want to rebuild the image, add --build flag when startup

    docker-compose up --build -d
  2. Service is now on port 5005

Stop service

  1. Stop the service using docker-compose
    docker-compose down


Test CKIP Tagger

  1. Send request using curl
    curl -X POST localhost:5005 -F $'sentence_list=土地公有政策??還是土地婆有政策。.\n最多容納59,000個人,或5.9萬人,再多就不行了.這是環評的結論.'
  2. Get the response like the following one

    JSON Response ```json { "sentences": [ { "segments": [ { "word": "土地公有", "pos": "VH" }, { "word": "政策", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": "?", "pos": "QUESTIONCATEGORY" }, { "word": "?", "pos": "QUESTIONCATEGORY" }, { "word": "還是", "pos": "Caa" }, { "word": "土地", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": "婆", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": "有", "pos": "V_2" }, { "word": "政策", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": "。", "pos": "PERIODCATEGORY" }, { "word": ".\\n", "pos": "FW" }, { "word": "最多", "pos": "Da" }, { "word": "容納", "pos": "VJ" }, { "word": "59,000", "pos": "Neu" }, { "word": "個", "pos": "Nf" }, { "word": "人", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": ",", "pos": "COMMACATEGORY" }, { "word": "或", "pos": "Caa" }, { "word": "5.9萬", "pos": "Neu" }, { "word": "人", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": ",", "pos": "COMMACATEGORY" }, { "word": "再", "pos": "D" }, { "word": "多", "pos": "D" }, { "word": "就", "pos": "D" }, { "word": "不行", "pos": "VH" }, { "word": "了", "pos": "T" }, { "word": ".", "pos": "PERIODCATEGORY" }, { "word": "這", "pos": "Nep" }, { "word": "是", "pos": "SHI" }, { "word": "環評", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": "的", "pos": "DE" }, { "word": "結論", "pos": "Na" }, { "word": ".", "pos": "PERIODCATEGORY" } ], "entities": [ { "word": "59,000", "type": "CARDINAL", "start": 24, "end": 30 }, { "word": "5.9萬", "type": "CARDINAL", "start": 34, "end": 38 } ] } ] } ```


If you want to run this service without Docker, you can follow this steps after data folder is ready.
However, we highly recommend using Docker Compose.

  1. Install required packages
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run
    uvicorn app.main:app --host= --port=5005