jyundt / oval

The Oval
GNU General Public License v2.0
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The Oval App


The Oval App is a skunkworks project to create a database of all ACA oval results. Hopefully it can be a platform for fun data-y stuff with decades worth of race data.

The Oval App uses python (flask) and postgres. It's prety straightforward and basic.`



Database setup

For local development, I run my postgres DB in Docker.

One such example: docker run -d --name oval-db -p 5432:5432 postgres:9.2

If you don' want to use docker, that's a-ok, just get a postgres DB that has write access to a database.

Create your database: psql -h YOURDBHOST -U YOURDBUSER -c "create database YOUROVALDBNAME owner YOURDBUSER;"

Application setup

Download the code

Grabbing everything from The Oval App is probably the easiest way.

Create a virtual environment

virtualenv venv

Activate virtual environment and install python reqs

. ./venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you get an error installing stravalib, you might need to update pip (either in your virtualenv or system-wide) and then deactivate/reactivate your venv. Any version of pip >= 8.1.2 should work.

Example of the error:

  File "<string>", line 16, in <module>

  File "/home/user/oval/venv/build/stravalib/setup.py", line 33, in <module>

    install_reqs = parse_requirements(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'requirements.txt'), session=False)

TypeError: parse_requirements() got an unexpected keyword argument 'session'

Example of upgrading pip (using pip) in your virtualenv:

. ./venv/bin/activate && pip install -U pip==8.1.2 

Define application variables.

Environmental variables are used to set various application settings.

Example config

export DB_PASS="whateveryourdbpasswordis"
export GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID="yourgoogleanalyticsid
export SECRET_KEY="makesomethingupcrazy"
export MAIL_PASSWORD="SMTPpassword"
export MAIL_USERNAME="SMTPusername"

There are some other things (like STRAVA_API_TOKEN) that can be added as well. Consult the config.py for an exhaustive list.

Create initial database

It's probably easiest to get a DB dump from an existing installation, but if you are starting from scratch you can manually create the tables, admin roles and initial super admin.

Start by creating the necessary DB tables in your blank DB: ./manage.py db upgrade

Then launch the Flask shell and create an admin: ./manage.py shell

>>> from app.models import Role
>>> Role.insert_roles()
>>> from app.models import Admin
>>> firstadmin = Admin(email='YOUREMAIL',username='YOURUSERNAME',password='YOURPASSWORD')
>>> db.session.add(firstadmin)
>>> db.session.commit()

Run a development server

You can use the flask development server for launching a local webserver: ./manage.py runserver -d -r

For real deployments, use a real application server (like uwsgi).

Provide feedback!

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.