k-furusho / todo-app-nest-api

REST API for the NestJS + Next.js Todo application
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Create new NestJS project

$ npm i -g @nestjs/cli
$ npm i -g yarn

$ nest new api-lesson
# set strict true in tsconfig.json

Install packages

# install prisma
$ yarn add -D prisma
$ yarn add @prisma/client
$ npx prisma init

# add docker-compose.yml file
# start db
$ docker compose up -d
# reset db
$ docker compose rm -s -f -v

# edit DATABASE_URL of .env
# add model definition to schema file

# prisma migrate and type generation
$ npx prisma migrate dev
$ npx prisma studio
$ npx prisma generate

# install packages
$ yarn add @nestjs/config @nestjs/jwt @nestjs/passport
$ yarn add cookie-parser csurf passport passport-jwt bcrypt class-validator
$ yarn add -D @types/express @types/cookie-parser @types/csurf @types/passport-jwt @types/bcrypt

Create module, controller, service

$ nest g module auth
$ nest g module user
$ nest g module todo
$ nest g module prisma
$ nest g controller auth --no-spec
$ nest g controller user --no-spec
$ nest g controller todo --no-spec
$ nest g service auth --no-spec
$ nest g service user --no-spec
$ nest g service todo --no-spec
$ nest g service prisma --no-spec

Deploy to Heroku

create Procfile

web: npm run start:prod

create new heroku app

# add config vars
JWT_SECRET : yours
# Add two Heroku Postgres in add-on
heroku git:remote -a yours
git push heroku main
# edit .env file
# prisma migrate
npx prisma migrate deploy
npx prisma studio
# edit .env.local of Next.js
# deploy to Vercel
# add Vercel domain to cors middleware in NestJS