k-vh123 / techcompanies_sustainability

Examined eight simulated companies' green investments and carbon reduction from 2018-2023. Created Excel visualizations revealing investment trends, carbon impact, and efficiency. Insights show varied strategies, positive correlation between spending and results, with some companies achieving notable efficiencies.
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Tech Companies' Sustainability Initiatives Analysis

eco-friendly investment

Table of Contents

Project Overview

This project analyzes the sustainability efforts of eight fictional tech companies from 2018 to 2023. It examines their investments in various green initiatives and the resulting carbon reduction, providing insights into the effectiveness of these programs.

Tools Used

Microsoft Excel: Data cleaning and manipulation, pivot table creation, chart generation

Data Preparation

  1. Created dummy data for 8 tech companies over 6 years, including:

    • Company names
    • Years (2018-2023)
    • Sustainability initiatives
    • Investment amounts
    • Carbon reduction figures
    • Energy saved
    • Water saved
    • Recycled materials
  2. Organized data into a structured Excel spreadsheet

  3. Created two pivot tables:

    • Investment data by company and year

    v2 1

    • Carbon reduction data by company and year

    v2 2

  4. Prepared separate sheets for investment data, carbon reduction data, and combined data for various analyses

    v3 1

    v3 2x

    v3 3

Analysis and Visualizations

Investment Trends

v4 1

A line graph was created showing investment trends for each company from 2018 to 2023.

Key findings:

  1. Overall increasing trend in sustainability investments across companies.
  2. DataEarth emerged as the top investor, with investments growing steadily from $40 million in 2018 to $120 million in 2023.
  3. GreenChip showed the most volatile investment pattern, with a significant jump from $10 million in 2022 to $100 million in 2023.
  4. TechGiant's investment grew from $20 million in 2018 to $80 million in 2023, showing a strong commitment to sustainability.
  5. CircuitEco demonstrated the most consistent year-over-year growth in investments.
  6. 2023 saw the highest investments for most companies, suggesting a sector-wide push for sustainability.

Carbon Reduction Results

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A clustered column chart was developed displaying carbon reduction achievements by company and year.

Key findings:

  1. General upward trend in carbon reduction across most companies.
  2. DataEarth achieved the highest total carbon reduction of 94,000 tons over the six-year period, with a significant spike to 40,000 tons in 2023.
  3. GreenChip demonstrated inconsistent performance with a massive jump in 2023. Their reduction was relatively stable around 3,000-12,000 tons from 2018-2022, but skyrocketed to 35,000 tons in 2023, the second-highest single-year reduction after DataEarth.
  4. EcoTech's carbon reduction increased dramatically from 2,000 tons in 2018 to 25,000 tons in 2023.
  5. CircuitEco showed consistent increases in carbon reduction each year, aligning with their steady investment growth.
  6. EcoSys had a notable spike in carbon reduction in 2023 (15,000 tons) despite a relatively modest investment increase.

Investment vs. Carbon Reduction

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A scatter plot was produced to visualize the relationship between investment and carbon reduction.

Key findings:

  1. Positive correlation between investment and carbon reduction across the dataset.
  2. Varying degrees of efficiency in translating investment to carbon reduction among companies.
  3. Presence of outliers in the upper left and lower right quadrants suggest some highly effective initiatives or potential data anomalies.
  4. The plot reveals that higher investments generally yield greater carbon reductions, but the relationship isn't perfectly linear.

Implications for Conservation, Business, and Tech


The data used in this analysis is fictional data created for illustrative purposes only. It does not represent actual company performances or real-world figures.