Basic minesweeper in python
This project consists of the most basic structure for a minesweeper game in python. It requires no user input. It runs and produces the outcome. #'s represent mines and _ represent open spaces. After running the program, all open spaces will indicate the number of mines in the direct vicinity.
1.1- #Installations 1.2- #Usage 1.3- #Credits
The folllowing code was created in Pyhton 3.11.2
If ncessary to install python go to the following adress:
The code doesn't require any additional libraries or packages.
To run the code do the followng:
Otherwise open the file in a code editor.
As stated in the description this project is just a very basic minesweeper framework.
Simply run it and look at the output
If you would like to improve on the code or build on it:
The following screenshots will provide a basic look of the code and the output.
![Screenshot of code 1] ![Screenshot of code 2]