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HERMES, which stands for Host-based Extensible Response Management Execution System, is a powerful and customizable platform designed to run AI clients with local control over data and processes. It combines flexibility, performance, and cost-efficiency, offering a range of features that make it ideal for various AI-related tasks.
HERMES offers a comprehensive solution for running AI clients with local control over data and efficient management of responses and tasks. It ensures a powerful, flexible, and secure environment for AI interactions.
Install app using
go install github.com/k10wl/hermes@latest
Add open AI API key to your environment. Hermes expects HERMES_OPENAI_API_KEY env variable to operate.
Usage of hermes (from hermes -help
-h string
shorthand for "host" (default "")
-host string
Host for web server. Optional, does nothing if "-web" was not provided (default "")
Opens last chat in web. Optional, does nothing if "-web" was not provided
-m string
shorthand for "message"
-message string
Inline prompt message attached to end of Stdin string, or used as standalone prompt string
-model string
ai model name (default "gpt-3.5-turbo")
-p string
shorthand for "port" (default "8123")
-port string
Port for web server. Optional, does nothing if "-web" was not provided (default "8123")
Starts web server