Supported functions
Speech recognition |
Speech synthesis |
✔️ |
✔️ |
Speaker identification |
Speaker diarization |
Speaker verification |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
Spoken Language identification |
Audio tagging |
Voice activity detection |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
Keyword spotting |
Add punctuation |
✔️ |
✔️ |
Supported platforms
Architecture |
Android |
iOS |
Windows |
macOS |
linux |
x64 |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
x86 |
✔️ |
✔️ |
arm64 |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
arm32 |
✔️ |
✔️ |
riscv64 |
✔️ |
Supported programming languages
1. C++ |
2. C |
3. Python |
4. JavaScript |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
5. Java |
6. C# |
7. Kotlin |
8. Swift |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
9. Go |
10. Dart |
11. Rust |
12. Pascal |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
✔️ |
For Rust support, please see sherpa-rs
It also supports WebAssembly.
This repository supports running the following functions locally
- Speech-to-text (i.e., ASR); both streaming and non-streaming are supported
- Text-to-speech (i.e., TTS)
- Speaker diarization
- Speaker identification
- Speaker verification
- Spoken language identification
- Audio tagging
- VAD (e.g., silero-vad)
- Keyword spotting
on the following platforms and operating systems:
with the following APIs
- C++, C, Python, Go,
- Java, Kotlin, JavaScript
- Swift, Rust
- Dart, Object Pascal
Links for Huggingface Spaces
You can visit the following Huggingface spaces to try sherpa-onnx without
installing anything. All you need is a browser.
| Description | URL |
| Speaker diarization | [Click me][hf-space-speaker-diarization]|
| Speech recognition | [Click me][hf-space-asr] |
| Speech recognition with [Whisper][Whisper] | [Click me][hf-space-asr-whisper] |
| Speech synthesis | [Click me][hf-space-tts] |
| Generate subtitles | [Click me][hf-space-subtitle] |
| Audio tagging | [Click me][hf-space-audio-tagging] |
| Spoken language identification with [Whisper][Whisper]| [Click me][hf-space-slid-whisper] |
We also have spaces built using WebAssembly. They are listed below:
| Description | Huggingface space| ModelScope space|
|Voice activity detection with [silero-vad][silero-vad] | [Click me][wasm-hf-vad]|[地址][wasm-ms-vad]|
|Real-time speech recognition (Chinese + English) with Zipformer | [Click me][wasm-hf-streaming-asr-zh-en-zipformer]|[地址][wasm-hf-streaming-asr-zh-en-zipformer]|
|Real-time speech recognition (Chinese + English) with Paraformer |[Click me][wasm-hf-streaming-asr-zh-en-paraformer]| [地址][wasm-ms-streaming-asr-zh-en-paraformer]|
|Real-time speech recognition (Chinese + English + Cantonese) with [Paraformer-large][Paraformer-large]|[Click me][wasm-hf-streaming-asr-zh-en-yue-paraformer]| [地址][wasm-ms-streaming-asr-zh-en-yue-paraformer]|
|Real-time speech recognition (English) |[Click me][wasm-hf-streaming-asr-en-zipformer] |[地址][wasm-ms-streaming-asr-en-zipformer]|
|VAD + speech recognition (Chinese + English + Korean + Japanese + Cantonese) with [SenseVoice][SenseVoice]|[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-zh-en-ko-ja-yue-sense-voice]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-zh-en-ko-ja-yue-sense-voice]|
|VAD + speech recognition (English) with [Whisper][Whisper] tiny.en|[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-en-whisper-tiny-en]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-en-whisper-tiny-en]|
|VAD + speech recognition (English) with [Moonshine tiny][Moonshine tiny]|[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-en-moonshine-tiny-en]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-en-moonshine-tiny-en]|
|VAD + speech recognition (English) with Zipformer trained with [GigaSpeech][GigaSpeech] |[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-en-zipformer-gigaspeech]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-en-zipformer-gigaspeech]|
|VAD + speech recognition (Chinese) with Zipformer trained with [WenetSpeech][WenetSpeech] |[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-zh-zipformer-wenetspeech]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-zh-zipformer-wenetspeech]|
|VAD + speech recognition (Japanese) with Zipformer trained with [ReazonSpeech][ReazonSpeech]|[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-ja-zipformer-reazonspeech]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-ja-zipformer-reazonspeech]|
|VAD + speech recognition (Thai) with Zipformer trained with [GigaSpeech2][GigaSpeech2] |[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-th-zipformer-gigaspeech2]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-th-zipformer-gigaspeech2]|
|VAD + speech recognition (Chinese 多种方言) with a [TeleSpeech-ASR][TeleSpeech-ASR] CTC model|[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-zh-telespeech]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-zh-telespeech]|
|VAD + speech recognition (English + Chinese, 及多种中文方言) with Paraformer-large |[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-zh-en-paraformer-large]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-zh-en-paraformer-large]|
|VAD + speech recognition (English + Chinese, 及多种中文方言) with Paraformer-small |[Click me][wasm-hf-vad-asr-zh-en-paraformer-small]| [地址][wasm-ms-vad-asr-zh-en-paraformer-small]|
|Speech synthesis (English) |[Click me][wasm-hf-tts-piper-en]| [地址][wasm-ms-tts-piper-en]|
|Speech synthesis (German) |[Click me][wasm-hf-tts-piper-de]| [地址][wasm-ms-tts-piper-de]|
|Speaker diarization |[Click me][wasm-hf-speaker-diarization]|[地址][wasm-ms-speaker-diarization]|
Links for pre-built Android APKs
You can find pre-built Android APKs for this repository in the following table
| Description | URL | 中国用户 |
| Speaker diarization | [Address][apk-speaker-diarization] | [点此][apk-speaker-diarization-cn]|
| Streaming speech recognition | [Address][apk-streaming-asr] | [点此][apk-streaming-asr-cn] |
| Text-to-speech | [Address][apk-tts] | [点此][apk-tts-cn] |
| Voice activity detection (VAD) | [Address][apk-vad] | [点此][apk-vad-cn] |
| VAD + non-streaming speech recognition | [Address][apk-vad-asr] | [点此][apk-vad-asr-cn] |
| Two-pass speech recognition | [Address][apk-2pass] | [点此][apk-2pass-cn] |
| Audio tagging | [Address][apk-at] | [点此][apk-at-cn] |
| Audio tagging (WearOS) | [Address][apk-at-wearos] | [点此][apk-at-wearos-cn] |
| Speaker identification | [Address][apk-sid] | [点此][apk-sid-cn] |
| Spoken language identification | [Address][apk-slid] | [点此][apk-slid-cn] |
| Keyword spotting | [Address][apk-kws] | [点此][apk-kws-cn] |
Links for pre-built Flutter APPs
#### Real-time speech recognition
| Description | URL | 中国用户 |
| Streaming speech recognition | [Address][apk-flutter-streaming-asr]| [点此][apk-flutter-streaming-asr-cn]|
#### Text-to-speech
| Description | URL | 中国用户 |
| Android (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64) | [Address][flutter-tts-android] | [点此][flutter-tts-android-cn] |
| Linux (x64) | [Address][flutter-tts-linux] | [点此][flutter-tts-linux-cn] |
| macOS (x64) | [Address][flutter-tts-macos-x64] | [点此][flutter-tts-macos-arm64-cn] |
| macOS (arm64) | [Address][flutter-tts-macos-arm64] | [点此][flutter-tts-macos-x64-cn] |
| Windows (x64) | [Address][flutter-tts-win-x64] | [点此][flutter-tts-win-x64-cn] |
> Note: You need to build from source for iOS.
Links for pre-built Lazarus APPs
#### Generating subtitles
| Description | URL | 中国用户 |
| Generate subtitles (生成字幕) | [Address][lazarus-subtitle]| [点此][lazarus-subtitle-cn]|
Links for pre-trained models
| Description | URL |
| Speech recognition (speech to text, ASR) | [Address][asr-models] |
| Text-to-speech (TTS) | [Address][tts-models] |
| VAD | [Address][vad-models] |
| Keyword spotting | [Address][kws-models] |
| Audio tagging | [Address][at-models] |
| Speaker identification (Speaker ID) | [Address][sid-models] |
| Spoken language identification (Language ID)| See multi-lingual [Whisper][Whisper] ASR models from [Speech recognition][asr-models]|
| Punctuation | [Address][punct-models] |
| Speaker segmentation | [Address][speaker-segmentation-models] |
Some pre-trained ASR models (Streaming)
Please see
for more models. The following table lists only **SOME** of them.
|Name | Supported Languages| Description|
|[sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-bilingual-zh-en-2023-02-20][sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-bilingual-zh-en-2023-02-20]| Chinese, English| See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-small-bilingual-zh-en-2023-02-16][sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-small-bilingual-zh-en-2023-02-16]| Chinese, English| See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-zh-14M-2023-02-23][sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-zh-14M-2023-02-23]|Chinese| Suitable for Cortex A7 CPU. See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-20M-2023-02-17][sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-20M-2023-02-17]|English|Suitable for Cortex A7 CPU. See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-korean-2024-06-16][sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-korean-2024-06-16]|Korean| See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-fr-2023-04-14][sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-fr-2023-04-14]|French| See [also](|
Some pre-trained ASR models (Non-Streaming)
Please see
for more models. The following table lists only **SOME** of them.
|Name | Supported Languages| Description|
|[Whisper tiny.en](|English| See [also](|
|[Moonshine tiny][Moonshine tiny]|English|See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-sense-voice-zh-en-ja-ko-yue-2024-07-17][sherpa-onnx-sense-voice-zh-en-ja-ko-yue-2024-07-17]|Chinese, Cantonese, English, Korean, Japanese| 支持多种中文方言. See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2024-03-09][sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2024-03-09]|Chinese, English| 也支持多种中文方言. See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ja-reazonspeech-2024-08-01][sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ja-reazonspeech-2024-08-01]|Japanese|See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-nemo-transducer-giga-am-russian-2024-10-24][sherpa-onnx-nemo-transducer-giga-am-russian-2024-10-24]|Russian|See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-nemo-ctc-giga-am-russian-2024-10-24][sherpa-onnx-nemo-ctc-giga-am-russian-2024-10-24]|Russian| See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ru-2024-09-18][sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ru-2024-09-18]|Russian|See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-zipformer-korean-2024-06-24][sherpa-onnx-zipformer-korean-2024-06-24]|Korean|See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-zipformer-thai-2024-06-20][sherpa-onnx-zipformer-thai-2024-06-20]|Thai| See [also](|
|[sherpa-onnx-telespeech-ctc-int8-zh-2024-06-04][sherpa-onnx-telespeech-ctc-int8-zh-2024-06-04]|Chinese| 支持多种方言. See [also](|
Useful links
How to reach us
Please see
for 新一代 Kaldi 微信交流群 and QQ 交流群.
Projects using sherpa-onnx
Streaming ASR and TTS based on FastAPI
It shows how to use the ASR and TTS Python APIs with FastAPI.
Uses streaming ASR in C# with graphical user interface.
Video demo in Chinese: 【开源】Windows实时字幕软件(网课/开会必备)
It uses the JavaScript API of sherpa-onnx along with Electron
Video demo in Chinese: 爆了!炫神教你开打字挂!真正影响胜率的英雄联盟工具!英雄联盟的最后一块拼图!和游戏中的每个人无障碍沟通!