k2-fsa / snowfall

Moved to https://github.com/k2-fsa/icefall
Apache License 2.0
144 stars 42 forks source link


DEPRECATED: See Icefall instead.

This repo is deprecated in favor of its successor project Icefall.


Snowfall is an early draft of what will eventually be "icefall", the official recipes associated with k2 and lhotse. At the moment it is some early drafts of recipes, that we'll use for debugging and collaboration while the overall shape of the project becomes clearer.


Our diagnotics are automatically collected using TensorBoard. You can inspect it locally by running:

$ tensorboard --logdir <exp_dir>

And then entering the url localhost:6006 in your browser (it is possible to change the port with --port option). When running the expts on a remote server, use port forwarding with SSH (ssh -L 6006:localhost:6006 user@address) so that your browser can connect to tensorboard.

Some noteworthy tensorboard options:

Finally, Google added a service called "tensorboard.dev" where you can host your tensorboard data to show the exp to others. To do that, use the command: tensorboard dev upload --logdir <exp_dir> and follow the instructions in the terminal.