k3vross / SplitCash

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SplitCash is a single page webapp designed to help you keep track of money you owe and money you are owed in an easy to use and straightforward interface. Create transactions between friends, and the app will automatically split the amount and keep a running total of how much you owe or are owed by individual friends, or see you total balance from all friends!

Live Demo

Check out a live demo of SplitCash HERE




This app uses complex algorithms to determin how bills are added. There are many variables on a bill, such as who authored it, who paid, and bill amount. Below is an example of how these were calculated.

class FriendBalance extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            total: 0,
            owed: 0,
            owe: 0
        this.balanceCalc = this.balanceCalc.bind(this)
        this.totalType = this.totalType.bind(this)
        this.getFriendBills = this.getFriendBills.bind(this)

    getFriendBills() {
        const { bills, friend } = this.props
        let friendBills = []
        bills.forEach(bill => {
            if (friend.id === bill.friend_id || friend.id === bill.user_id) {
        return friendBills

    balanceCalc() {
        const { bills, currentUser, friend } = this.props
        let owed = 0;
        let owe = 0;
        if (!friend) {
            return null
        this.getFriendBills().forEach(bill => {
            if ((bill.user_id === currentUser.id) && (bill.author_paid === 'y')) {
                owed += parseFloat((bill.amount / 200).toFixed(2))
            } else if ((bill.user_id === currentUser.id) && (bill.author_paid === 'n')) {
                owe += parseFloat((bill.amount / 200).toFixed(2))
            } else if ((bill.user_id !== currentUser.id) && (bill.author_paid === 'y')) {
                owe += parseFloat((bill.amount / 200).toFixed(2))
            } else if ((bill.user_id !== currentUser.id) && (bill.author_paid === 'n')) {
                owed += parseFloat((bill.amount / 200).toFixed(2))
        if (owed === owe) {
            this.setState({ total: 0 })
        } else if (owed > owe) {
            this.setState({ total: owed - owe })
        } else {
            this.setState({ total: -(owe - owed) })

    totalType() {
        const { friend } = this.props
        if (this.state.total == 0) {
        return <div className='green'>{`You and ${friend.username} are all settled up`}</div>
        } else if (this.state.total > 0) {
            return <div className='green'>{`${friend.username} owes you`}
        } else {
            return <div className="red">{`You owe ${friend.username}`}

Dynamic Modal Forms

SplitCash features dynamic modal forms for creating bills, where options change depending on previous options selected. Many challenegs were faced when desigining the modals, especially with the selector elements and rendering their options as return values from functions, but the end result created a more dynamic and responsive form that is easy to use.

getName() {
        const { friendships } = this.props
        return friendships.map(friendship => {
            if (this.state.user_id === friendship.recipient_id) {
                return friendship.recipientName
            } else if (this.state.user_id === friendship.requester_id) {
                return friendship.requesterName

    render() {
        const { friendships, formType, currentUser } = this.props
        if (friendships.length === 0) {
            return null
        return (
            <div className='modal'>
                <form className='modal-form' onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
                    <span className='modal-close js-modal-close'></span>
                    <div className='formHeader'>
                    <div className='formNames'>
                        With you and <select className='selector' value={this.state.user_id} onChange={this.update('user_id')}>
                            <option value="" disabled>Select a friend</option>
                            {friendships.map(friendship => {
                                if (currentUser.id === friendship.requester_id) {
                                    return <option key={friendship.id}value={friendship.recipient_id}>{friendship.recipientName}</option>
                                } else {
                                    return <option key={friendship.id} value={friendship.requester_id}>{friendship.requesterName}</option>
                    <div className='billInfo'>
                        <img src={window.images.bill} alt="Add a bill"/>
                        <div className='billDetails'>
                                placeholder="Enter a description"
                                onChange={this.update('description')} />
                            <label className='dollarLabel'>$
                                    type='float' placeholder='0.00'
                    <div className="billSummary">
                        Paid by <select 
                                    <option value='y'>you</option>
                                    <option value='n'>{this.getName()}</option>
                                </select> and split equally
                                ${(this.state.amount / 2).toFixed(2)} / person  
                    <div className='billBtn'>
                        <button onClick={this.handleClick} className='cancelBill'>Cancel</button>
                        <button className='addBill'>Add Bill</button>
                <div onClick={this.handleClick} className='modal-screen js-modal-close'></div>