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Automatic SRE Superpowers within your Kubernetes cluster
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Support for IPv6 clusters #370

Closed samrocketman closed 4 months ago

samrocketman commented 4 months ago

No idea if this works. This is literally my first Go code (my "hello world" but IPv6 attempt).

Closes #369

📑 Description

Detect if a ClusterIP is IPv6 or IPv4. Choose the appropriate string format based on Go documentation.


A literal IPv6 address in hostport must be enclosed in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[::1%lo0]:80".

I've tested locally that it compiles with make. I've not done any extra testing beyond that. My development environment is Ubuntu 22.04.

✅ Checks

ℹ Additional Information

I've successfully run make test from my development environment.

$ go version
go version go1.21.6 linux/amd64
samrocketman commented 4 months ago

This doesn't appear to have been added to the v0.1.1 release notes

AlexsJones commented 4 months ago

The pull request isn't a conventional commit e.g. feat/chore, so unfortunately the bot didn't pick it up and I didn't notice.

samrocketman commented 4 months ago

No worries I was curious is all

samrocketman commented 4 months ago

The contributing doc doesn't cover specially formatted commit messages

samrocketman commented 4 months ago

@AlexsJones can you manually update release notes for v0.1.1 GH release to include mention of the new feature? I also suggest updating contributing with what you expect to be specifically formatted messages when contributors open PRs. I'm still not entirely certain what it needed to be.

samrocketman commented 3 months ago

@AlexsJones please update the 0.1.1 release notes with my contribution of IPv6 support

samrocketman commented 3 months ago

@AlexsJones please update the 0.1.1 release notes with my contribution of IPv6 support

samrocketman commented 2 months ago

@AlexsJones it's not like I was paid for my development time. Attribution is pretty big deal to me and in my opinion I provided you with a major networking feature (IPv6).

It's not great that you're choosing to ignore me and not attribute my work in the release notes. People who follow this project would have seen it so it would have been best on release.

At the very least, updating them after the fact is the next best thing.

Please update the release notes for 0.1.1 release.