kabiroberai / linux-app

An iOS app that can be built on Linux (SwiftTO companion)
MIT License
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Linux iOS Sample App

A sample iOS app designed for cross-compilation on Linux.

This is a sample project from my SwiftTO talk "Beyond Xcode: Batteries Not Included".


See Slides.pdf.


Note that this has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 for AArch64. Your mileage may vary on other Linux distros/setups.


  1. Install my swift-package-manager fork
    1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/kabiroberai/swift-package-manager -b kabir/develop.
    2. Run swift build.
    3. Copy the built swift-package, swift-build, swift-run, swift-experimental-sdk tools (in .build/debug) into your Swift 5.9 toolchain's bin directory, overwriting existing files.
  2. Build and install my Darwin SDK: see the develop branch of https://github.com/kabiroberai/swift-sdk-darwin
  3. Obtain signing resources from your Apple Developer account (TODO: add commands):
    1. Create a local RSA keypair and certificate signing request.
    2. Upload the CSR to https://developer.apple.com/account to obtain a certificate.
    3. Create Resources/identity.p12 with the private key, certificate, as well as Apple's intermediate and root CAs.
    4. Generate a wildcard provisioning profile on Apple's member center, and save it at Resources/embedded.mobileprovision.
  4. Done. Run make do and sit back :)

LSP Support

These steps are designed for VSCode but you can adapt them to your preferred LSP-compatible IDE.

  1. Set up SourceKit-LSP for your IDE. For VSCode, this means installing the "Swift" extension.
  2. Update the paths in .vscode/settings.json to use your home directory instead of /home/kabiroberai

Note that SourceKit-LSP does not officially support SwiftSDKs yet. While this repo implements a workaround, IDE experience will be sub-optimal until official support lands. See https://github.com/apple/sourcekit-lsp/issues/786.


  1. Install the app on your device with make do.
  2. Start debugserver: run make debug in a background terminal window. Keep this running.
  3. Connect LLDB to debugserver. If you're in VSCode, just use the "Attach" configuration. Otherwise, you want something along the lines of:
    (lldb) platform select remote-ios
    (lldb) target create --no-dependents .build/debug/MyApp.app/MyApp
    (lldb) process connect connect://localhost:1234
    (lldb) process attach --waitfor
  4. Launch the app on your device.