kachick / gh-action-escape

Wrap multiline text with random delimiter for $GITHUB_OUTPUT and $GITHUB_ENV
MIT License
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cli github-actions


CI - Go CI - E2E CI - Nix

Escape/Wrap given multiline text with random delimiter for $GITHUB_OUTPUT and $GITHUB_ENV

See official docs for the background



  # You should write these handlings in all steps that use multiline value with GITHUB_OUTPUT and/or GITHUB_ENV
  - name: Set the value in bash
    id: step_one
    run: |
      EOF=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=15 count=1 status=none | base64)
      echo "json<<$EOF" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
      curl https://example.com >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
      echo "$EOF" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
  - name: Use product in a before step
    run: echo "The result is ${{ steps.step_one.outputs.json }}"


  # Once installed, the cli can be used in all following steps
  - name: Install gh-action-escape
    run: curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kachick/gh-action-escape/main/scripts/install-in-github-action.sh | sh -s v0.2.0
  - name: Set the value in bash
    id: step_one
    run: curl https://example.com | gh-action-escape -name=json >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
  - name: Use product in a before step
    run: echo "The result is ${{ steps.step_one.outputs.json }}"


Prebuilt binaries

> curl -L https://github.com/kachick/gh-action-escape/releases/latest/download/gh-action-escape_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xvz -C ./ gh-action-escape
> ./gh-action-escape --version

In Nix, you can skip installation steps

> nix run github:kachick/gh-action-escape -- --version
gh-action-escape dev (rev) # unknown
> nix run github:kachick/gh-action-escape/v0.2.0 -- --help
...(With specific version)

go install

> go install github.com/kachick/gh-action-escape/cmd/gh-action-escape@latest
go: downloading...
> ${GOPATH:-"$HOME/go"}/bin/gh-action-escape --version
gh-action-escape dev (rev) # unknown


Just for https://github.com/kachick/depop/pull/27/files