kaczorws / xboxappmod

Script which lets you modify standard Windows 10 Xbox App streaming to PC settings
28 stars 4 forks source link

- Somewhere in 2021 Microsoft has changed the server from which settings JSON file was downloaded.
- I was not able to trace the correct server due to limited time.
- Later, they abandoned Xbox App and switched to new Xbox Companion App which used different settings.
- Somewhere in 2023 they switched the app again to Xbox Gaming App.
- This script worked only for old Xbox App which supported Xbox One/One S/One X only.
- Xbox Series X/Series S were never supported as they used different apps mentioned above.

- As I no longer use Xbox I will not make any updates to this script
- (Original Xbox App is not available anyway)
- I will keep the script here for historical purposes only.

Xbox App Mod Script

Script lets you modify standard Windows 10 Xbox App streaming to PC settings


This script (written in PowerShell) does the following:

  1. Modifies the Windows hosts file to prevent downloading latest version of Xbox App config by Xbox App (makes a backup first)
  2. Modifies the actual Xbox App config file (makes a backup first)
  3. Launches Xbox App and waits for the process to end (you can actually start playing at this step :) )
  4. Once Xbox App is closed, reverts the changes of hosts file and config file (by restoring backup files)

Xbox App config file (settings.json) values are modified within Very High profile settings (GAME_STREAMING_VERY_HIGH_QUALITY_SETTINGS).

Script uses its own config file (config.xml) so you may customize its values which will then be applied to hosts file and Xbox App config file.


In order to run this script you need to do the following first:

Config file

First please take a look at config.xml file. In the <settings> section you have four settings:


  1. Modify config.xml with desired values
  2. Run start.bat as Administrator

Do not run the xboxappmod.ps1 directly. Instead run the start.bat which checks the administrator permissions first and then runs the script on its own. Remember to run start.bat as Administrator, otherwise it won't be able to modify hosts file.

You can create a shortcut to start.bat and make it always run with Administrator permissions.

After running the script, Xbox App will start automatically. You can play a game then :) After finishing playing close the Xbox App and the script will finish automatically after a while. Do not close the script manually or it will not restore backups of hosts and settings file!

Script creates two files: hosts.bak and settings.json.bak. These are backups of modified files. Do not remove them manually while the script is running or it will not be able to restore backups.

Most of errors should be handled by the script, but if any unhandled error occurs, a file called lasterror.txt will be created. You can view it to check what went wrong.

If the script does not start, doublecheck the Prerequisites section.

Please let me know if you find mistakes, bugs or errors. You can post issues here: https://github.com/kaczorws/xboxappmod/issues