Android Instagram
This is the starter project for the Instagram Client Project.
Completed user stories:
Homework 1:
- Time spent: 7 hours spent in total
- [x] Required: User can scroll through current popular posts from Instagram.
- [x] Required: For each post displayed, user can see the following details: (graphic, caption, username, user profile image, relative timestamp, like count)
- [x] Required: Display each user profile image as a circle.
- [x] Required: Display a nice default placeholder graphic for each image during loading.
Homework 2:
- Time spent: 11 hours spent in total
- [x] Required: Connect the app with the Instagram API and get real time data using the android-async-http library library.
- [x] Required: Show the last 2 comments for each photo.
- [x] Required: User can view all comments for an image within a separate activity.
- [x] Required: User can share an image to their friends or email it to themselves.