kafbat / kafka-ui

Open-Source Web UI for managing Apache Kafka clusters
Apache License 2.0
432 stars 36 forks source link

Kafka-UI is not showing the cluster info #459

Closed rsurenderreddy closed 1 week ago

rsurenderreddy commented 1 month ago

Issue submitter TODO list

Describe the bug (actual behavior)

I tried deploying kafka-UIon podman where I have provisioned the image. I have completed all the set up steps and while accessing the web page of kafka-UI it is not showing my cluster details.

i am able to get cluster details with MSK 2.8.1 on kafka ui but new msk version 3.5.1 is having issue.

i am using AWS MSK version of kafka 3.5.1 with IAM SASL method.

Expected behavior

it supposed to get cluster details on UI page

i checked /api/clsusters , it get empty reposnse back to UI

Your installation details

APP: v1.0.0

Steps to reproduce

test with msk 3.5.1 versiom


No response


No response

Additional context

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hi rsurenderreddy! 👋

Welcome, and thank you for opening your first issue in the repo!

Please wait for triaging by our maintainers.

As development is carried out in our spare time, you can support us by sponsoring our activities or even funding the development of specific issues. Sponsorship link

If you plan to raise a PR for this issue, please take a look at our contributing guide.

Haarolean commented 1 month ago

Please share the logs and the config

kapybro[bot] commented 1 month ago

Further user feedback is requested. Please reply within 7 days or we might close the issue.

rsurenderreddy commented 1 month ago

attached logs and config file


kapybro[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the additional feedback! We'll get back to your issue soon.

Haarolean commented 3 weeks ago


$ unzip kafka.zip
Archive:  kafka.zip
warning [kafka.zip]:  zipfile is empty

Please use https://gist.github.com

kapybro[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Further user feedback is requested. Please reply within 7 days or we might close the issue.

rsurenderreddy commented 3 weeks ago

sorry my bad.. attached zip file


kapybro[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the additional feedback! We'll get back to your issue soon.

Haarolean commented 3 weeks ago

Please provide the outputs of: hostname/api/authorization hostname/api/clusters

rsurenderreddy commented 3 weeks ago

Here is the output of api's

// https://kafkaui.xyz.com/api/clusters



// https://kafkaui.xyz.com/api/authorization

{ "rbacEnabled": true, "userInfo": { "username": "sss@xyz.com", "permissions": [ { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "APPLICATIONCONFIG", "value": null, "actions": [ "VIEW", "EDIT" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "CLUSTERCONFIG", "value": null, "actions": [ "VIEW", "EDIT" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "TOPIC", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW", "CREATE", "EDIT", "DELETE", "MESSAGES_READ", "MESSAGES_PRODUCE", "MESSAGES_DELETE" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "CONSUMER", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW", "DELETE", "RESET_OFFSETS" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "SCHEMA", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW", "CREATE", "DELETE", "EDIT", "MODIFY_GLOBAL_COMPATIBILITY" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "CONNECT", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW", "EDIT", "CREATE", "RESTART", "DELETE" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "KSQL", "value": null, "actions": [ "EXECUTE" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "ACL", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "CLUSTERCONFIG", "value": null, "actions": [ "VIEW" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "TOPIC", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW", "MESSAGES_READ" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "CONSUMER", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "SCHEMA", "value": ".", "actions": [ "VIEW" ] }, { "clusters": [ "kafka-cluster" ], "resource": "CONNECT", "value": ".*", "actions": [ "VIEW" ] } ] } }

hongbo-miao commented 1 week ago

I am using MSK 3.7.x KRaft mode. Also, I am also having some issues seeing the cluster in the Kafbat UI.

I can confirm same IAM role permission (granted all readonly permissions for now) works well for AKHQ and Redpanda Console.

Here is my config

      - name: yaml
        bootstrapServers: b-1.xxx.xx.c11.kafka.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:9098,b-2.xxx.xx.c11.kafka.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:9098,b-3.xxx.xx.c11.kafka.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:9098
          security.protocol: SASL_SSL
          sasl.mechanism: AWS_MSK_IAM
          sasl.jaas.config: software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
          sasl.client.callback.handler.class: software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler
    type: disabled
        enabled: false
  create: true
    eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx4xxx:role/KafbatUIRole-hm-kafbat-ui

https://hm-kafbat-ui.example.com/api/authorization returns

"rbacEnabled": false,
"userInfo": null

https://hm-kafbat-ui.example.com/api/clusters returns

    "name": "yaml",
    "defaultCluster": null,
    "status": "offline",
    "lastError": {
      "message": "Error while creating AdminClient for Cluster yaml",
      "stackTrace": "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error while creating AdminClient for Cluster yaml\n\tat io.kafbat.ui.service.AdminClientServiceImpl.lambda$createAdminClient$5(AdminClientServiceImpl.java:56)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.Mono.lambda$onErrorMap$28(Mono.java:3783)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnErrorResume$ResumeSubscriber.onError(FluxOnErrorResume.java:94)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.MonoPeekTerminal$MonoTerminalPeekSubscriber.onError(MonoPeekTerminal.java:258)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapConditionalSubscriber.onError(FluxMap.java:265)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.Operators$MonoSubscriber.onError(Operators.java:1886)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.MonoCacheTime$CoordinatorSubscriber.signalCached(MonoCacheTime.java:340)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.MonoCacheTime$CoordinatorSubscriber.onError(MonoCacheTime.java:363)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.MonoFlatMap$FlatMapMain.onError(MonoFlatMap.java:180)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen$ThenIgnoreMain.onError(MonoIgnoreThen.java:278)\n\tat reactor.core.publisher.MonoPublishOn$PublishOnSubscriber.run(MonoPublishOn.java:187)\n\tat reactor.core.scheduler.SchedulerTask.call(SchedulerTask.java:68)\n\tat reactor.core.scheduler.SchedulerTask.call(SchedulerTask.java:28)\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:304)\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136)\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635)\n\tat java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840)\nCaused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SaslAuthenticationException: [4d37b931-0d78-44a1-bf2c-8ebbf55da91a]: Access denied\n"
    "brokerCount": 0,
    "onlinePartitionCount": 0,
    "topicCount": 0,
    "bytesInPerSec": null,
    "bytesOutPerSec": null,
    "readOnly": false,
    "version": "Unknown",
    "features": []
rsurenderreddy commented 1 week ago

i tested 3.5.1 with AKHQ UI, this is loading cluster

hongbo-miao commented 1 week ago

Hi @rsurenderreddy do you mean AKHQ didn't work with MSK 3.5.1 when you open this ticket, and it works now? Could you post the solution? Thanks

rsurenderreddy commented 1 week ago

I opened this ticket for kafbat UI not for Akhq ui project.

I was testing AkHQ UI as a alternative solution for time being.

hongbo-miao commented 1 week ago

I see, sorry, my bad. Didn't read closely. Yeah both AKHQ and Redpanda Console works for us as well for MSK 3.7.x KRaft mode. Hopefully Kafbat UI can support as well.

Haarolean commented 1 week ago

@hongbo-miao please raise a new issue, your case is a different issue

hongbo-miao commented 1 week ago

Thanks @Haarolean , I posted at https://github.com/kafbat/kafka-ui/discussions/483

Haarolean commented 1 week ago

@rsurenderreddy /api/clusters returning no clusters makes no sense tbh, considering it's present in the logs. Can you try disabling RBAC for testing purposes and checking again?

rsurenderreddy commented 1 week ago

issue with my rbac , it doesn't have cluster name tied with the role.

issue fixed now and thanks @Haarolean for the help