kafbat / kafka-ui

Open-Source Web UI for managing Apache Kafka clusters
Apache License 2.0
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Kafbat UI

Versatile, fast and lightweight web UI for managing Apache Kafka® clusters.
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Kafbat UI is a free, open-source web UI to monitor and manage Apache Kafka clusters.

Kafbat UI is a simple tool that makes your data flows observable, helps find and troubleshoot issues faster and deliver optimal performance. Its lightweight dashboard makes it easy to track key metrics of your Kafka clusters - Brokers, Topics, Partitions, Production, and Consumption.

Kafbat UI, developed by Kafbat*, proudly carries forward the legacy of the UI Apache Kafka project. Our dedication is reflected in the continuous evolution of the project, ensuring adherence to its foundational vision while adapting to meet modern demands. We extend our gratitude to Provectus for their past support in groundbreaking work, which serves as a cornerstone for our ongoing innovation and dedication.

* - The Kafbat team comprises key contributors from the project's inception, bringing a wealth of experience and insight to this renewed endeavor.




Feature overview

Click here for the feature overview # The Interface Kafbat UI wraps major functions of Apache Kafka with an intuitive user interface. ![Interface](documentation/images/Interface.gif) ## Topics Kafbat UI makes it easy for you to create topics in your browser by several clicks, pasting your own parameters, and viewing topics in the list. ![Create Topic](documentation/images/Create_topic_kafka-ui.gif) It's possible to jump from connectors view to corresponding topics and from a topic to consumers (back and forth) for more convenient navigation. connectors, overview topic settings. ![Connector_Topic_Consumer](documentation/images/Connector_Topic_Consumer.gif) ### Messages Let's say we want to produce messages for our topic. With the Kafbat UI we can send or write data/messages to the Kafka topics without effort by specifying parameters, and viewing messages in the list. ![Produce Message](documentation/images/Create_message_kafka-ui.gif) ## Schema registry There are 3 supported types of schemas: Avro®, JSON Schema, and Protobuf schemas. ![Create Schema Registry](documentation/images/Create_schema.gif) Before producing avro/protobuf encoded messages, you have to add a schema for the topic in Schema Registry. Now all these steps are easy to do with a few clicks in a user-friendly interface. ![Avro Schema Topic](documentation/images/Schema_Topic.gif)

Getting Started

To run Kafbat UI, you can use either a pre-built Docker image or build it (or a jar file) yourself.

Quick start (Demo run)

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e DYNAMIC_CONFIG_ENABLED=true ghcr.io/kafbat/kafka-ui

Then access the web UI at http://localhost:8080

The command is sufficient to try things out. When you're done trying things out, you can proceed with a persistent installation

Persistent installation

    container_name: kafbat-ui
    image: ghcr.io/kafbat/kafka-ui:latest
      - 8080:8080
      - ~/kui/config.yml:/etc/kafkaui/dynamic_config.yaml

Please refer to our configuration page to proceed with further app configuration.

Some useful configuration related links

Web UI Cluster Configuration Wizard

Configuration file explanation

Docker Compose examples

Misc configuration properties

Helm charts

Quick start

Building from sources

Quick start with building

Liveliness and readiness probes

Liveliness and readiness endpoint is at /actuator/health.
Info endpoint (build info) is located at /actuator/info.

Configuration options

All the environment variables/config properties could be found here.


Please refer to contributing guide, we'll guide you from there.


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