kafbat / kafka-ui

Open-Source Web UI for managing Apache Kafka clusters
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RBAC: Unclear required access level for the audit topic #460

Open Ilyin-V-V opened 4 days ago

Ilyin-V-V commented 4 days ago

Issue submitter TODO list

Describe the bug (actual behavior)

Lack of access to _kui_audit_log topic messages when configuring LDAP, RBAC. If you disable RBAC, then access to messages is available, what could be the reason for this behavior?

Expected behavior

Reading messages in the _kui_audit_log topic using kui even if RBAC is enabled

Your installation details

auth: type: LDAP

spring: jmx: enabled: true

ldap: urls: ldap://ms.it.domain.com:389 base: admin-user: admin-password: user-filter-search-base: DC=it,DC=domain,DC=com user-filter-search-filter: (&(uid={0})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)) group-filter-search-base: ou=Groups,DC=it,DC=domain,DC=com

kafka: clusters:

  name: Kafka-cluster-1
  bootstrapServers: kafka1.com,kafka2.com,kafka3.com
   truststorelocation: /truststore.jks
    protocol: SASL_SSL
    mechanism: PLAIN
     config: org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="" password="";

    topicAuditEnabled: true
    consoleAuditEnabled: true
    topic: "__kui-audit-log" # default name
    auditTopicProperties: # any kafka topic properties in format of a map
      retention.ms: 43200000
    auditTopicsPartitions: 1 # how many partitions, default is 1
    level: ALTER_ONLY # either ALL or ALTER_ONLY (default). ALL will log all read operations.**

rbac: roles:

Steps to reproduce

Enable LDAP, enable RBAC


No response


, String, String, Long, Long, String, String, String, ServerWebExchange) 2024-06-27 15:35:40,259 DEBUG [reactor-http-epoll-4] o.s.w.s.a.HttpWebHandlerAdapter: [ea53e5a8-59] Completed 403 FORBIDDEN 2024-06-27 15:35:41,638 DEBUG [reactor-http-epoll-4] o.s.w.s.a.HttpWebHandlerAdapter: [ea53e5a8-60] HTTP GET "/api/clusters/Kafka-cluster-1/topics/__kui-audit-log/messages/v2?limit=100&mode=LATEST" 2024-06-27 15:35:41,640 DEBUG [reactor-http-epoll-4] o.s.w.r.r.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping: [ea53e5a8-60] Mapped to io.kafbat.ui.controller.MessagesController#getTopicMessagesV2(String, String, PollingModeDTO, List, Integer, String, String, Long, Long, String, String, String, ServerWebExchange)

Additional context

similar problem on https://github.com/provectus/kafka-ui, perhaps you need to explicitly set the access rules acl is disabled on kafka

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

Hi Ilyin-V-V! 👋

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If you plan to raise a PR for this issue, please take a look at our contributing guide.

Haarolean commented 3 days ago

_kui_audit_log is just a topic and has no special treatment from the perspective of RBAC. You have to add RBAC rules for that topic manually. Let me know if there's anything else we could help with.

Ilyin-V-V commented 3 days ago

And I think that _kui_audit_log is just a topic, but why then the rule:

but I still get 403 FORBIDDEN

Haarolean commented 2 days ago

Aah, sorry, there actually is a special treatment for the audit topic: In order to be able to view its messages you have to add the following RBAC permission:

        - resource: audit
          actions: all

Please let me know if it works for you

kapybro[bot] commented 2 days ago

Further user feedback is requested. Please reply within 7 days or we might close the issue.

Haarolean commented 2 days ago

We'd need to update the docs: https://github.com/kafbat/ui-docs/blob/main/configuration/audit-log.md https://github.com/kafbat/ui-docs/blob/main/configuration/rbac-role-based-access-control/README.md

Ilyin-V-V commented 2 days ago

Ааа, извините, на самом деле для темы аудита существует особая обработка: чтобы иметь возможность просматривать ее сообщения, вам необходимо добавить следующее разрешение RBAC:

        - resource: audit
          actions: all

Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если это вам подходит.

It doesn't work for me, here is my RBAC: rbac: roles:

And still, when reading from the UI topic __kui-audit-log in the logs - Completed 403 FORBIDDEN Version kafbat-ui-v1.0.0.jar

Haarolean commented 4 hours ago

This particular config works for me:

        - resource: topic
          value: "__kui-audit-log"
          actions: all

        - resource: audit
          actions: all

The question why we'd need both still remains, we'll take a look into this. For now, please add both the actions to your config, this should work.

Ilyin-V-V commented 3 hours ago

Мне подходит вот эта конфигурация:

        - resource: topic
          value: "__kui-audit-log"
          actions: all

        - resource: audit
          actions: all

Вопрос, зачем нам оба нужны, все еще остается, мы разберемся в этом. А пока добавьте оба действия в свою конфигурацию, это должно работать.

thank you very much, it works