kai-wen-yang / CD-VAE

[NeurIPS 2021] "Class-Disentanglement and Applications in Adversarial Detection and Defense"
MIT License
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Official implementation:


For any questions, contact (kwyang@mail.ustc.edu.cn).


  1. Python
  2. Pytorch
  3. Wandb
  4. Torchvision
  5. Perceptual-advex
  6. Robustness

Pretrained Models

mkdir pretrained

Download pretrained models and put them in directory ./pretrained

  1. cd-vae-1 (for adversarial detection)
  2. cd-vae-2 (for initializing adversarial training model)
  3. wide_resnet (trained on clean data x, for initializing adversarial training model)

Part 1. Class-Disentangled VAE

Train a class-disentangled VAE, which is the basis of adversarial detection and defense.

python tools/disentangle_cifar.py --save_dir results/disentangle_cifar_ce0.2 --ce 0.2 --optim cosine

Part 2. Adversarial Detection

It needs a CD-VAE model for the adversarial Detection. You can use the pretrained CD-VAE or train a new one by yourself as shown in part 1.

cd CD-VAE/detection

Generate Adversarial Example:

python ADV_Samples_Subspace.py --dataset cifar10 --net_type resnet --adv_type PGD --gpu 0 --outf ./data/cd-vae-1/ --vae_path ../pretrained/cd-vae-1.pth;

Compute Mahalanobis Distance:

python ADV_Generate_Mahalanobis_Subspace.py --dataset cifar10 --net_type resnet --adv_type PGD --gpu 0 --outf ./data/cd-vae-1/ --vae_path ../pretrained/cd-vae-1.pth;

Evaluate the Mahalanobis Estimator

python ADV_Regression_Subspace.py --net_type resnet --outf ./data/cd-vae-1/;

Part 3. White-box Adversarial Defense

Modified adversarial training based on CD-VAE(it needs a CD-VAE model and a model trained on clean data x to initialize):

python tools/adv_train_cifar.py --batch_size 100 --lr 1 --cr 0.1 --cg 0.1 --margin 20 --save_dir ./results/defense_0.1_0.1

Evaluation of the trained model against various white-box attack:

python tools/adv_test_cifar.py --model_path ./results/defense_0.1_0.1/robust_model_g_epoch92.pth --vae_path ./results/defense_0.1_0.1/robust_vae_epoch92.pth --batch_size 256 \
"NoAttack()" \
"AutoLinfAttack(cd_vae, 'cifar', bound=8/255)" \
"AutoL2Attack(cd_vae, 'cifar', bound=1.0)" \
"JPEGLinfAttack(cd_vae, 'cifar', bound=0.125, num_iterations=100)" \
"StAdvAttack(cd_vae, num_iterations=100)" \
"ReColorAdvAttack(cd_vae, num_iterations=100)"


The code of detection part is based on https://github.com/pokaxpoka/deep_Mahalanobis_detector.

The code of defense part refers to https://github.com/cassidylaidlaw/perceptual-advex and https://github.com/MadryLab/robustness.


If you find this repo useful for your research, please consider citing the paper

  title={Class-Disentanglement and Applications in Adversarial Detection and Defense},
  author={Yang, Kaiwen and Zhou, Tianyi and Tian, Xinmei and Tao, Dacheng and others},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},