kaifaty / LitStore

Extra tiny store manager for LitElement
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Idea based on https://github.com/gitaarik/lit-state realisation. Instead version of gitaarik this realisation more optimised and written on typescript.

Simple shared app state management for Lit components.

LitStore automatically re-renders your Lit components, when a shared app state variable they use changes.


npm install lit-store

Basic idea

You keep your shared state in a LitStore derived class. This class contains data object with observable variables that contain the state. This class can also contain helper functions that modify the state. Decorate your LitElement classes with the observeLitElement() mixin. This makes your components automatically re-render whenever a vatiables in data they use changes.

You can subscribe/unsibscribe to store variable from another store uses on/off methods.


1. Create a LitStore object:

import { BaseStore } from '../src/store';

class RootStore extends BaseStore{
    data = {
        lvl: 1,
        isHidden: false,
        userName: "Captain America"
        this.data.isHidden = !this.data.isHidden;

class LVLMonitor extends BaseStore {
    data = {
        lvlStatus: ""
    constructor(root: typeof rootStore){
        root.on("lvl", lvl => {
            this.updateLvlStatus(lvl as number);
    updateLvlStatus(lvl: number){
        this.data.lvlStatus = `Current level: ${lvl}`;

export const rootStore = new RootStore; 
export const rootState = rootStore.data;
export const lvlMonitorStore = new LVLMonitor(rootStore);
export const lvlMonitorState = lvlMonitorStore.data;

2. Make your component aware of your state:

By using the observeLitElement() mixin on your LitElement class and then just using the data variables in your render method:

import { rootState, rootStore, lvlMonitorState } from './stores';
import { observeLitElement } from '../src'
import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators'

class DemoComponent extends observeLitElement(LitElement) {
    render() {
        return html`
                <button @click=${() => rootStore.toggle()}>toggle</button>
                    ? "" 
                    : html`<button @click=${() => rootStore.increment()}>LVL UP</button>`
class MyComponent extends observeLitElement(LitElement)  {
    render() {
        return html`

The components that read state.lvl will automatically re-render when any (other) component updates it.

In more technical words:

A component using the observeLitElement() mixin will re-render (call requestUpdate()) when any variabale in data - which it read in the last render cycle - changes.