kaiiiz / obsidian-raindrop-highlights-plugin

An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Raindrop.
MIT License
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Obsidian Raindrop Highlights Plugin (Community Plugin)

Obsidian Raindrop Highlights (Community Plugin) is an unofficial plugin to synchronize Raindrop.io web article highlights/annotations into your Obsidian Vault.



After installing the plugin, configure the the settings of the plugin then initiate the first sync manually. Thereafter, the plugin can be configured to sync automatically or manually.

Use Raindrop icon in the sidebar or command Raindrop Highlights: Sync newly created bookmarks (sync from last sync time) to trigger manual sync from the last sync time.

⚠️ The above command only sync the newly created bookmarks, the old bookmarks with updates are not synced! Use the following two commands to update the existing files.

Use Raindrop Highlights: Sync all bookmarks (full sync) to trigger full sync.

Use Raindrop Highlights: Sync this bookmark to sync the current active file.

Use Raindrop Highlights: Show last sync time command to check last sync time for each collection.

Use Raindrop Highlights: Open link in Raindrop command to open the corresponding link in Raindrop.

Use Raindrop Highlights: Manage collections to be synced command to quickly open the collection management modal.

NOTE: Do not touch the front matter properties: raindrop_id and raindrop_highlights. These properties are used to identify the existing article to prevent file and highlights duplication.

API Token

This plugin doesn't use the OAuth mechanism. To get your API Token, follow the steps:

  1. Access the Integrations section of your Raindrop account
  2. Click "Create new app"
  3. Copy the "Test token"
  4. Paste to the obsidian plugin setting

NOTE: The token is stored using localStorage and it may have conflicts if the same vault were to be open on 2 different windows.


This project is inspired by Hady Ozman's Obsidian Kindle Plugin and Wei Chen's Obsidian Hypothesis Plugin. Lots of features are migrated from their works, big thanks for their efforts!



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