kaijie1023 / order

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Order App


  1. Responsible for order manangement
  2. Each order can be at the single state at the time
  3. Order states - created, confirmed, delivered, cancelled
  4. After order was created Orders App should trigger Payments App call to process a payment for the current order.
  5. Orders App updates order based on the response from the Payments App
  6. After X amount of seconds confirmed orders should automatically be moved to the delivered state.

    Before you start

    Create a .env file under the root directory. You may refer to .env.example for the variable used.

Run npm install to install necessary library into the project.

Run the following command to create database and migrate table

npx sequelize-cli db:create && npx sequelize-cli db:migrate

How to start

Run npm start to start the server.

You may need to start the Payment App before calling the create order API.