kailu3 / airbnb-scraper

Spider built with scrapy and ScrapySplash to crawl Airbnb listings
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airbnb_scraper :spider:

Spider built with scrapy and ScrapySplash to crawl listings


This checklist is for personal use and isn't relevant to using the scraper.

Set up

Since Airbnb uses JavaScript to render content, just scrapy on its own cannot suffice sometimes. We need to use Splash as well, which is a plugin created by the Scrapy team that integrates nicely with scrapy.

To install Splash, we need to do several things:

  1. Install Docker, create a Docker account (if you don't already have one), and run Docker in the background before crawling with
docker run -p 8050:8050 scrapinghub/splash

It might take a few minutes to pull the image for the first time doing this. When this is done, you can type localhost:8050 in your browser to check if it's working. If an interface opens up, you are good to go.

  1. Install scrapy-splash using pip
pip install scrapy-splash

See scrapy-splash if you run into any issues.


Run the spider with scrapy crawl airbnb -o {filename}.json -a city='{cityname}' -a price_lb='{pricelowerbound}' -a price_ub='{priceupperbound}'

cityname refers to a valid city name

pricelowerbound refers to a lower bound for price from 0 to 999

priceupperbound refers to upper bound for price from 0 to 999. Spider will close if priceupperbound is less than pricelowerbound
Note: Airbnb only returns a maximum of ~300 listings per specific filter (price range). To get more listings, I recommend scraping multiple times using small increments in price and concatenating the datasets.

If you would like to do multiple scrapes over a wide price range (e.g. 10-spaced intervals from 20 to 990), see cancun.sh which I used to crawl a large number listings for Cancún.


I would like to thank Ahmed Rafik for his guidance and teachings.