kairi003 / Get-cookies.txt-LOCALLY

Get cookies.txt, NEVER send information outside.
MIT License
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Get cookies.txt LOCALLY

Get cookies.txt, NEVER send information outside.


This extension exports cookies.txt in Netscape or JSON format. The Netscape cookies.txt format is compatible with wget, curl, MozillaCookieJar(Python3), and more.

Rest assured that this extension never transmits your information externally. It features an open-source, unobfuscated source code that is readily available for inspection on GitHub or in the extension's installation directory.

To function correctly, this extension requires certain permissions, all of which are listed in the source code for transparency. Specifically, it now needs "Download management" to execute a more appropriate file export method, which was previously achieved through "link generation and automatic clicking" in versions before v0.3.x.


From WebStore

Chrome Web Store Mozilla Add-on

Chrome Web Store Chrome Web Store \ Mozilla Add-on Mozilla Add-on

From source code (Google Chrome)

  1. Download and unzip this repository.
  2. Open Extensions(chrome://extensions/).
  3. Enable "Developer mode".
  4. Click on "Load Unpacked" and open the directory Get-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/src.

From source code (Firefox)

For Firefox, you need to patch the manifest file by merging src/manifest.json and src/manifest-firefox.json. One of the following methods can be taken.

Example of extension installation directory (Google Chrome)


%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc


~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc

