The primary goal of this assignment is to analyze the intricate dynamics of racial and gender inequalities in policing department in Chicago. We analyze the nomination patterns for black, and female officers compared to their white male counterparts. The paper investigates the intersectionality of race and gender and how these factors correlate with recognition in the workplace. This article was replicated from the article "Disparities in Police Award Nominations" by Nayoung Rim, Bocar Ba, and Roman Rivera (2018).
To download the project, click the green "Code" button and "Download ZIP", and save the ZIP file into a proper path. Open "project.Rproj".
The repo is structured as:
contains the data sources used in analysis including the raw data.outputs/paper
contains the files used to generate the paper, including the Quarto document and reference bibliography file, as well as the PDF of the paper. scripts
contains the R scripts used to simulate, clean dataset and test.We did not use LLM in any aspects of the code.