kaklakariada / fritzbox-java-api

Java API for managing FritzBox HomeAutomation
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 13 forks source link


Java CI Quality Gate Status Maven Central

Java API for managing FritzBox HomeAutomation using AVM Home Automation HTTP Interface inspired by grundid's fritzbox-java-api. This also runs on Android devices (see Andect).

Important: Migration to Maven Central

Due to the deprecation of JCenter new versions will be published to Maven Central. In your build script please use

repositories {







Run sample program

  1. Create file application.properties with the following content and enter settings for your device:

    fritzbox.url = https://fritz.box
    fritzbox.username = user
    fritzbox.password = secret
  2. Run example class TestDriver.


Generate / update license header

./gradlew licenseFormat

Check if dependencies are up-to-date

./gradlew dependencyUpdates

Check dependencies for vulnerabilities

./gradlew ossIndexAudit


Install to local maven repository:

./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal

Publish to Maven Central

  1. Add the following to your ~/.gradle/gradle.properties:

    ossrhUsername=<your maven central username>
    ossrhPassword=<your maven central passwort>
    signing.keyId=<gpg key id (last 8 chars)>
    signing.password=<gpg key password>
    signing.secretKeyRingFile=<path to secret keyring file>
  2. Increment version number in build.gradle and README.md, update CHANGELOG.md, commit and push.

  3. Optional: run the following command to do a dry-run:

    ./gradlew clean check build publishToSonatype closeSonatypeStagingRepository --info
  4. Run the following command to publish to Maven Central:

    ./gradlew clean check build publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository --info
  5. Create a new release on GitHub.

  6. After some time the release will be available at Maven Central.